Chapter 6 - Nice to Meet You...Kinda

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A/N: Another Monday is here and another update is posted!!! It's short but I hope you like it! Enjoy! :) xx


Chapter 6 - Nice to Meet You...Kinda

"Hey, Lou. We need to talk," I say as I reach him.

"Hold that thought! I want to introduce you to someone," he says with a huge grin on his face.

"Um, ok..." A beautiful girl steps from behind him and smiles. Her hair is dark with blonde highlights through it and she has dark, brown eyes. How did I not notice her standing there? I guess that's what happens when the only person I focus on is Louis...

But who is this chick? Fuck, I just hope the feeling I have is wrong...

"Ally, this is Lindsay Luchetti, my girlfriend," he says and my heart drops to the bottom of my stomach. Girlfriend? He has a fucking girlfriend? Could this be any worse?

"Nice to meet you, Louis talks a lot about you," she says.

"How come you never told me you have a girlfriend?" I asked, ignoring her. Sorry I'm rude, my heart kind of just got destroyed.

"I'm sorry. It never really came up. But now you've met her and we can all be besties!" Oh that's just fucking wonderful, Lou. Maybe you could've told me about her before I had these feelings for you.

"Yeah, uh, great. I-I have to go now," I say quickly before tears come.

"Ok, can you get Abby for me, I want her to meet Linds too!" he calls to me as I rush away. I need to get out of here, I'm gonna die. I'm going to die.

"Louis wants you to meet his girlfriend. You better go now," I say to Abby as I pass her. I don't wait for her to respond I just leave the studio and go to my car. I can cry before they come out here.

Why did this have to happen? Right when I'm about to tell him my feelings he goes and tells me he has those feelings for another girl. Why does no one like me? Am I just too shitty for everyone? Am I not good enough for anyone? Tears are spilling from my eyes and into my hands that are covering my face. I feel like someone just ripped my heart out and stomped on it repeatedly. I've never felt like this way towards any guy except Louis. But now it doesn't matter because he loves someone else, he'll never feel that way towards me. I can never tell Louis my feelings now. I'll just have to watch him be with his perfect girlfriend while I sit back being the loser I am. I'll get over him eventually, right? It might take a while but I can, I will. Ugh but I don't want to! I want him to love me! More tears soak my hands and I continue sobbing and hiccuping while sitting in my car alone. Fuck, he's gonna come out here and I'll have to explain why I'm crying like a two year old.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates.

Tommo <3: You can go without me. Lindsay picked up my car so ill drive home with her. Love ya, Spidey! xx

"NO YOU DON'T!" I scream through tears and whip my phone across the car. At least I won't have to face him like this.

"Ally!" I hear someone yell from outside my my car.

"Go away!" I yell, I just want to be alone. Can't the world just leave me alone to be depressed?

"Oh my god, Ally! I'm sorry! I don't even know what to say! I can't believe this!" Abby rambles as she gets in the car. She pulls me into a hug and I cry into her for the second time today. I'm so relieved I finally have a friend that's here for me when I need her.

"He has a fucking girlfriend!" I cry and she rubs my back.

"I know, I can't believe it either. I was so sure he liked you, it seemed so obvious! I'm sorry I got your hopes up..."

"It's not your fault, Abs. It's just...why couldn't this have gone right? Why couldn't I have told him my feelings and he say it back and everything be happy instead of this happening? Why couldn't something go right...?" I ask desperately.

"I don't know. I guess we just can't always get what we want. But it'll be ok. I promise. You'll get through this, you're strong." I wipe my eyes and take deep breaths to calm down.

"Thanks, Abby," I say with a small, weak smile.

"No problem. Now c'mon, let's go to your place. I'll stay with you."

"Ok." We get to my place and get some food. We sit on the couch and watch tv.

"Should I move on? Get over him?" I ask randomly.

"No! You never know what could happen!"

"I don't want to ruin a relationship or anything..."

"You don't have to sabotage it or try to win him. But don't give up on the fact that he may one day fall for you."

"This sucks," I mumble. I don't think Louis will ever fall for me. I don't even know why I thought he ever had feelings for me. Why would Louis like me? He's gorgeous and funny and sweet and everything amazing about a guy and I'm just an ugly, stupid loser. He would never have feelings for me when he can have that girl. What is she anyway, a model? I look like a friggin toad next to her. Louis has a great, beautiful girl, and I don't think that will ever be me. For now I just have to watch him be all happy and cute with her while I admire from afar....oh great now I sound like a fucking stalker.

*Louis' POV*

Lindsay lives close to Starbucks so she walked there to get my car and pick me up from work. She has been wanting to see me working on the movie for a while but I keep telling her she has to wait till it comes out. Needless to say, I didn't hold my ground on that. She wore me down and pestered me so much until I had to agree to let her come to the studio. She's very persuasive. I've been dating her for about six months and we are very happy together.

"That was very fun to watch!" she says as we enter my house.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I say with a smile and peck her lips.

"I just wish I could act so I could replace that Ally girl," she remarks and I chuckle.

"Hey, you get to act that way with me all of the time, love."

" two are close then?"

"Yeah. Me, Ally, and Abby are really good friends." She nods and I think we are off the subject until I see something in her expression. "What are you so deep in thought about?"

"It's just...Louis, you are with those girls everyday, all of the time. You're very close to them and you seem even closer to Ally. I can't help but be suspicious..."

"Linds, I'm not cheating on you. I could never do that to you," I say seriously and take her hand.

"It's not you I'm worried about, Lou. It's her..."

"What are you saying?"

"Louis, I don't want you hanging out with her anymore."


A/N: WOAH! What just happened? Oh yeah, you read me! PLOT TWIST! Poor Ally! COMMENT! Dedicated to Lindsay bc she plays that bitch! ;)

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