Chapter 8 - Treated Like a Ghost

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A/N: Almost forgot to update!! Oops! Haha! It's a bit longer so I hope you enjoy!!! :) xxx


Chapter 8 - Treated Like a Ghost

Two days and I'm still being treated like a ghost. Like he sees right through me; like I'm not even here. Louis hasn't shown up to Starbucks for the past two days either. I guess he's just not a part of that tradition anymore. He hasn't said one meaningful thing to me. Only one word answers that have to do with work. I feel like I'm not his friend anymore, that I mean nothing to him now, and it sucks. Why do I have to be falling for someone that wants nothing to do with me? But the bigger question is why does he want nothing to do with me? All of the sudden he just stops and decides he doesn't want to talk to me or acknowledge me. I try to be mad at him, I really do. I should be mad at him, but all I can think of is how much I like him. But that doesn't keep me from being hurt, actually it's the opposite. That's what makes it hurt more. I'm having trouble keeping these feelings inside. I just want to scream at him and ask him 'what's wrong with me?' Did I do something? Offend him? Make him mad? Because I don't think I did.

We're on set to film. Tomorrow will be our lat day and then we will start promo. Trailers, commercials, interviews, anything to get people to know about the movie before it premiers. It should actually be fun.

Anyway, we are trying to film this scene and I can't get it right. I'm getting so frustrated! Why can't I just say this line? Oh yeah maybe it's because I have to tell "Blake" I love him. Did I mention I really do love him? Yeah, just a few times. Okay, maybe not love, but I'm falling pretty fast right now.

"I love you, Lo- shit," I say after screwing up yet again. I almost just said Louis' name...well that's not obvious.

"CUT!" our director yells and I groan. Why can't I just get this right!? Usually when one of us keeps messing up we help each other out, encourage each other. But now Louis just won't do that. He can't, I'm a ghost right, he can't see me. We start the scene over and I mess up again. I look up to Louis expecting him to say something positive and tell me I can do it, but when I look at him he turns away. I feel tears sting the back of my eyes. Thanks for nothing, Lou.

"Um, I'm sorry, I have to use the restroom," I say quickly and rush away from the set. I make my way to the bathroom and sit on the counter. I put my hands to my face and take a deep breath.

"Don't cry over him, Ally. Not again. Stop crying over him," I order myself. I won't cry, I can't let myself. I just need to compose myself in here then I can go out.

*Abby's POV*

It's been a few minutes and Ally is still in the bathroom. I don't blame her. Louis is being a douche...ignoring her for no good reason. I would be upset too. I just don't understand why he is being like this.

"Can someone please go check on her!?" Drill Sergeant yells at us.

"Louis?" I say with an attitude.

"Why don't you? She's your best friend," he remarks and I raise my eyebrows.

"Last time I checked so are you," I say and he looks away and at the ground.

"Whatever. Just łake five and someone please fix this!" Our director yells. I just roll my eyes. Everyone is pissing me off. Louis being an asshole, our director being an inconsiderate jerk. Whatever, I guess it's Abby to the rescue...again. I trot to the bathroom after giving Louis a dirty look. I knock on the door.

"It's open," I hear a shaky voice answer. I open the door to see Ally sitting on the counter with her hands covering her face. "I figured it was you," she says with a crooked smile.

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