Epilogue - Family

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A/N: Ok this is like really sad. I can't believe this story is really over. I remember the night couldn't sleep an I decided to write the first chapter at 4 in the morning. I've been working on it so long and I'm more or less happy with it and I really hope everyone who read it enjoyed it!

Here the epilogue! Enjoy :) xx


Epilogue - Family

*5 years later*

I jolt awake and grab my large stomach.

"Ahhh!" I groan in pain.

"Are you ok, love?" Louis asks, sitting up as well.

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine. Just a contraction," I reply as Louis rubs my back in comfort.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Um, water please?" I request and he nods, getting up from bed and going into the kitchen.

"Here....you sure you're ok?" he asks while handing me the glass.

"Yes, I'm fine, Lou. Now go back to sleep, it's 4 AM," I tell him and he nods. He kisses my cheek and lays back down.

Suddenly, I feel a large amount of liquid flow out of me.

"Fuck," I mutter, my heart picking up speed.

"Please tell me that you just spilled your glass of water on the bed..." Louis begs.

"Louis, my water just broke," I tell him.

He jumps out of bed faster than I can even think and turns the light on.

"Are you sure?" he asks, running a hand through his hair.

"Either that or I fucking peed my pants!" I exclaim.

"Shit, ok, stay calm, it's gonna be fine!" he says while throwing some clothes on. I have a feeling those words are more for himself than me. Louis grabs me a sweatshirt, and I quickly throw it on.

"Ah! Louis, this REALLY hurts!" I yell as another contraction comes over me.

"Let's go, we gotta get to the hospital. C'mon!" he says grabbing his keys. We both slip some shoes on and Louis guides me to the car.

Once we're in, he speeds off in the direction of the hospital.

"Hurry up! I can't take all bloody day!" Louis exclaims, trying to go even faster. He's sort of freaking out, but I can't say I'm doing much better. I'm about to give birth; I never realized how scary this was gonna be.

"Louissss!" I whine, scared out of my wits. Not to mention the pain that is overcoming my body...

"It's ok, babe. Just breathe, like we learned in that class, remember?" he encourages and then proceeds to breathe with me.

When we finally get to the hospital, Louis helps me walk inside, and we rush to the front desk as quickly as possible.

"Hello, my wife is in labor!" Louis exclaims to the receptionist. She calls for someone to get me a wheelchair. I don't hear much of Louis' conversation with the receptionist, all I'm thinking of is the pain.

"Louis, hurry!" I plead.

The next thing I know, I'm being pushed into a room and helped onto a bed. They hook me up to many things, and soon the doctor is here.

The epidural dulls the pain a bit, but it's still excruciating. The contractions are getting closer and closer together.

"Louis..." I call and he grabs my hand.

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