Chapter 23 - Hurt, Not Broken

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A/N: HEY Y'ALL! Long time no update! Sorry! It's been so long and I feel bad, but here we are! It's not the best, but I hope you like it!! I worked long and hard for you people! So enjoy :) xx


Chapter 23 - Hurt, Not Broken

*Ally's POV*

"AHHHHHH!" I scream when I read the note Niall gave Abby.

"Holy crap!" she reacts to my volume.

"This is so amazing. This is so cute. I can't believe this is happening! Niall admitted it! It's finally happening!" I exclaim speaking very quickly. I'm so happy. Her and Niall are gonna go out, have a great time, fall in love, get married, and have beautiful babies! "I better be the Maid of Honor and the Godmother and-"



"Settle down. Nothing has even happened yet. I don't know if I want anything to happen..."

"Of course you do!"

"Just because I let him comfort me after being sexually assaulted doesn't mean I want a relationship," she says and I roll my eyes.

"But you do!"

"I'm done talking about this," she says and takes out her phone.

All of the sudden all emotion leaves her face. She looks like she just saw a ghost.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! You want ice cream? Let's go get some!"

"Abby," I say seriously and she sighs.

"It's nothing, Ally. Please don't worry about it!"

"Give me your phone," I order, ignoring her.


"Give it," I say and she reluctantly hands it over.

I see twitter is open and she was looking at the WorldWide trends. As I see the number one trend, my mouth drops open. Why is this happening?

The most popular trend on twitter right now is "#AllyCantAct." I take a deep breath and click on the trend to see what people are really saying.

"@LoubbyShipper: #AllyCantAct she ruins her fellow actors with her lack of talent..."

"@KayKay24: #AllyCantAct she sucks, she has NO talent!"

"@Nicky_3: #AllyCantAct My only question is how did she get her job if she sucks so bad at what she does?"

"@Lou_Abby_4ever: Louis and Abby would be so much better of without her... #AllyCantAct"

"@Tommo_15: #AllyCantAct I don't even want to watch the new show bc of her. They need a new Jessica...."

"@HaleyM6: #AllyCantAct the more I watch Choosing Relationships, the more I realize how much she sucks..."

I keep staring at the screen, looking through hundreds of these tweets. They never stop coming in. How can they say these things? I thought I had so many fans, but I guess they are outnumbered by haters. Once again, I'm being bullied. Once again, I'm getting shit for doing what I love.

They don't have to like me, I don't care about that. I don't care if they call me ugly or stupid or a bitch, because they don't know those things about me; they don't know me.

But if they are watching me do my job, and think I'm bad at it, that effects me. We've said it before that the most important opinion is our viewers, because they are responsible for my career. I can't get anywhere if no one wants to see me in anything.

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