Chapter 5 - Here Goes Nothing

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A/N: Since I updated late and bc I'm a good person here's an early update!! Things are about to get interesting!! ;)


Chapter 5 - Here Goes Nothing

I thought about it all last night. I could barely sleep and even when I did, I actually dreamt about it.

Should I tell Louis my feelings?

It's so hard being okay around him, acting like we're just friends. If I tell him and he likes me back, I could finally be in a relationship. A relationship with someone I really like, I'm really close to, who's amazing.

But if he doesn't like me back...well, basically I get rejected, friend-zoned, and a very awkward friendship. Doesn't that sound appealing?

I'm terrified of rejection, but I want him to know. Abby is convinced he likes me back but I'm not so sure. Nevertheless, I think I'm going to tell him. I don't know where, when, or how. But I think I'm going to. He needs to know, right?

After our morning coffee, it's my turn to drive to work. We will be done with this movie by the end of the week. Abby is in the passenger seat and Louis is in the back seat. Occasionally I look back in the rear view mirror to see Louis making weird faces. I just laugh at him and look back to the front so he doesn't see me blush. 'Why do you have to be so cute?' I ask to myself. I breath heavily and keep driving to the one place I can act like a couple with Louis. Key word: act.

We get to work and get ready and start filming. After a while, we get to go on our lunch break. Luckily the studio provides us lunch. The three of us get our food and start eating.

"20 Q question!!" Louis exclaims. "Were you popular in school and how many friends did you have?" My heart stops at that question. He could've asked any other thing in the world, but this? I'm gonna look like the biggest fucking loser.

"Um, not popular, but I had about 2 or 3 close friends," Abby answers. Well, good for her.

"I was probably one of the popular ones at my school," Louis says and I know it's my turn.

"What about you, Ally?" Abby asks.

"I bet you were real popular, huh Spidey?" I clear my throat nervously.

"Um, I definitely wasn't popular and I had, um, well, no friends," I say flatly and look down at my food; avoiding all eye-contact and holding back tears.

"None?" Louis asks and I feel the stinging sensation of tears at the back of my eyes.

"Nope. None. Nobody liked me, everyone hated me and always made fun of me. I was the biggest loser in school," I say quickly and storm away. I have to get away from this table, away from the humiliation. I run to the bathroom and lock myself in. I collapse on the disgusting bathroom floor, pull my knees to my face, and bawl my eyes out. I just looked like a total idiot in front of my best friends, not to mention the guy I like. He'll never like me knowing I was a friendless loser that everyone hated. I don't even know why. I never did anything to any of them. But they saw me as an easy target. They made fun of me, pushed me around, laughed at me. I didn't have one single friend. And let me tell you, having no friends is a really shitty way to go through life. Plus, I had no siblings. So basically I had my parents and my dog, wow.

Yet, my lack of friends and my many bullies drove me to do my best, to try my hardest, and get me where I am now: a professional actress starring in a movie.

But I can't believe I just humiliated myself like that. They're probably probably ashamed to be talking to such a loser. "You're so ugly, no wonder guys never talk to you." "Out of my way you worthless piece of shit." Their words echoed through my mind, pounding around in my head, giving me a headache.

Suddenly, I hear loud knocking on the door.

"Ally?! Ally, are you in there!?" I hear Abby's voice come from the other side of the door, but I say nothing. "Ally, I know you're in there, open up!" I quickly wipe my eyes and take a deep breath before standing and opening the door. Abby rushes in and closes it behind her. "Are you ok? You freaked us out!"

"Oh, I'm fine despite the fact that I just humiliated myself in front of you and the guy I really like," I say sarcastically while looking at the ground. "He probably thinks I'm such an idiot. Probably doesn't want anything to do with me," I mutter quietly.

"Shut up. I don't care, Louis doesn't care, he is just worried about you. Who cares about the people you went to school with? They were obviously a bunch of stupid arse-holes. And look at you now. You're an actress and they're probably cleaning bathrooms like the one we're in," she says while hugging me. I smile slightly.

"How do I go talk to him after I stormed away like a three year old?"

"He wants to talk to you. He feels guilty about bringing it up and making you cry." I smile again, he actually cares. "Now c'mon, let's get out of this disgusting place." We walk out of the bathroom and back to where Louis is.

"Ally!" he yells and throws his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm stupid. Those people are a bunch of twats. They don't deserve you, you're better than them!" Louis rambles and I smile widely at his words. I hug him back, taking in his warmth and his scent. I love being in his arms. I wish we could just stay like this forever.

"It's fine, Lou! I'm ok!" He pulls back and smiles at me, making my heart speed up. 'Whatever you do, don't blush,' I tell myself.

"C'mon let's get you cleaned up and get back to work," he says cheerfully. He takes my hand and pulls me toward hair and make-up. If only he knew how much this simple gesture of him holding my hand was effecting me...I feel like my stomachs going to explode.

I get cleaned up and we get back to work. I think about Louis the whole time. I have to tell him. He has to know. I don't think I can keep it in much longer. I'll do it after work. Plain and simple, just tell him and get it over with. I run what I'm going to say through my head the rest of the day. When we're done I pull Abby aside.

"I'm gonna tell him now," I whisper. She squeals with delight.

"Yay! Good luck, go get your man!" she says and I laugh.

I spot Louis and take a deep breath.

"Here goes nothing," I say to myself and walk over to him.

"Hey, Lou. We need to talk..."


A/N: Aw poor Ally! OMG WHAT DO YOU THINK LOUIS WILL SAY??? COMMENT! Dedicated to @Mullingirl bc she reads all my stories and comments a lot! :) xxx

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