Chapter 13 - Apologies

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A/N: MONDAY AGAIN! I know I usually update at night but I just couldn't help it! I had to update! It's the chapter you've all been waiting for! Well, not really but it kinda is! Idk, you'll see! Just read! Btw I ate moldy bread today so hopefully I'll still be alive by Thursday so I can update... SO YEAH CROSS YOUR FINGERS!!! ENJOY :) xxx


Chapter 13 - Apologies

*Ally's POV*


Why can't I stop those words from ringing through my head? It's all I can think about! I love Louis and he hates me. Yes, I think I love him. I mean, I've never been in a relationship before, so I don't really know if what I'm feeling is love. Maybe it's not, and I'm just confused. I feel so strongly towards him though. It's like no matter what he does, it can't stop me from caring for him so much. I know he's a great guy despite what he's doing. But maybe he isn't and I was just a fool to think he is. After all he did completely ignore me and now he hates me. But that period of time when we were best friends was amazing. Those were some of the best times of my life. I had two friends that I could hang out with and that really cared for me. But I feel like he's like the others; the people who used to tell me they hated me.

As I lay on my bed a terrifying thought crosses my mind: what if he was just pretending to be my friend?

I mean it's happened before. People used to bet each other to be nice to me, to pretend to want to be my friend, to actually be my friend. Then they would crush me. Get close, learn my secrets, and then use them against me.

This had happened so many times and I'm pretty much used to it. But with Louis? He didn't do that too, did he? He wasn't another fake was he? He actually cared didn't he? If he didn't and I was stupid enough to fall for him...

The sound of the doorbell rips me from my thoughts. I trudge slowly to the door and open it.

As I see him in the door way, I swear my heart stops. He's here: the boy that has been haunting my thoughts for so long; the boy that hates me...

"Um, hi, Ally," he says while clearing his throat. He seems nervous...but why? And why is he being so nice to me?

"Hey, Lou?"

"Um, can we talk?" Talk? I can't remember the last time we really talked.

"Sure. Come in," I say and he walks in. I watch him as he takes a seat on the couch. Toby comes up to him, and Louis pets him behind the ears. I walk over to him but remain standing. "So, Louis, what's on your mind?"

"Well, I've been thinking a lot lately. And I've been talking to Niall and I...I guess I was just wondering...could we...Could we maybe be friends again?" Wait, what? He wants to be friends again? Ok, that's great and I'm happy. Really I am, but he did hurt me. Isn't he going to apologize?


"Well I was talking to Niall and he told me I should-"

"So, Niall is the one who told you to talk to me?" It wasn't even his choice to come here? Wait...could Niall be the one telling him to mess with me. Mess with my emotions? Like everyone else?

"He just told me I should forgive you-"

"Louis, did you fake it?" I can't help it, I have to know if he is just like all of the others.

"Fake what?"

"Did you just fake being my friend? Did you do it just to hurt me? I need to know if you're the same as the others..."

"What? Ally, no. Our friendship was really important to me-"

"Oh it was? It didn't seem like it when you just dropped it and started ignoring me," I snap. I don't know where all of this is coming from. I'm getting mad. I can feel my blood boiling. I've never been angry towards Louis, but maybe I've just been burying this hostility for so long, and it's just now surfacing. He looks down almost like he's guilty.

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