Chapter 31 - Forever Over

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A/N: sorry its so short just love it anyway please!


Chapter 31 - Forever Over

"Niall told me a lot of things about the whole Louis situation," Abby tells me and I sigh.

"I don't wanna talk about it, Abby."

"Did you even see him that night?" she asks. It's been a few days since the little incident with Louis' intoxication.

"He was drunk; it doesn't mean anything."

"You know when you're drunk you have no reserve. Louis would normally cry and try to hide it but this time, since he was drunk, he didn't hold back. He let everything out," Abby tells me.

"I don't care."

"He really misses-"

"Stop," I cut her off.

"Ally, don't you wanna be happy again?"


"Don't you wanna be happy...with Louis?"

"No, I don't. I don't want to be with Louis at all," I say although it's a lie. I want to be with him, I just can't be.

"Well, Louis wants to be with you. He can't live without you. I've been over there a lot with them. He can't have fun, he can't laugh, he can't smile. All he does is feel guilty."

"Good, he deserves it. He's a dick."

"That's what I said, but Niall told me that Lindsay manipulated him into thinking you didn't care about him and that you were cheating on him with Justin and all of this stuff. He was vulnerable and she used it against him."

"But...why wouldn't he talk to me about it instead of running to another girl?"

"It was a bad choice and a horrible mistake, but he really loves you. He feels so bad about it. He practically hates himself for hurting you and for throwing away the best relationship he's ever had!"

"I don't care. He feels bad and he should. Just because he's sorry doesn't mean I'm going to come crawling back to him. Sorry can't fix everything."

"But he's learned from his mistake and-"

"Good, maybe next time he's in a relationship he won't be such a twat!"

"Ally, maybe he deserves another chance..."

"No. I've cried too much over that boy, what I need is to move on. I need to get over him, that's what will make me happy!"


"No. Ya know what? I'm done. I'm done with Louis, with boys, I'm done with love! All it's ever done is hurt me! I don't need any more pain!"


So that's how I've been living my life. For the past two months I've been relationship free.

Louis still tried to call me numerous times, but I ended up blocking his number. Every time his number came up it brought pain.

Both Abby and Niall tried convincing me to forgive him, but I finally got them to drop the topic. Their nagging wasn't helping me.

I have to get over him, and that means no contact with him. I can't talk to him, I can't talk about him, I can't think about him. I know it's extreme, but I have to. I'm only going to be at my happiest once I'm not pitying myself over him.

Plus, it's actually working. I'm not going to pretend that I'm completely over him, what we had together. I won't deny that I still have some feelings for him, but it's getting better. Slowly, I am getting over Louis.

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