Chapter 11 - He Hates Me

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A/N: Enjoy this chapter! I know it's short! Sorry! Get over it!


Chapter 11 - He Hates Me

It's been about a week, and let's just say Louis and I are not exactly speaking. I mean it's not like we were speaking before but I actually thought maybe that was going to change. Oh how wrong I was. It's worse now because I know exactly why he is ignoring me. He's pissed, he never wants to speak to me again, he hates me. I know because he told me, he screamed it at me, and I don't think anything hurts worse than knowing the boy you're falling for hates you. Ok that's an exaggeration, but it hurts pretty damn bad.

Abby knows about everything, oh that blonde is not happy. She's so protective of me, and when I first told her I had to hold her back from going to run Louis over with her car. Hey, I would've done the same if she was in my position. We don't let anyone hurt the other, and we're pretty much just crazy. Yes, Louis and her were close friends but she stuck with me when Louis first started being a douche. I'm so thankful for that.

Anyway, Abby is super pissed but I...I just can't be. I fancy him too much to be mad. I should be mad. I should be mad that he completely ignored me for how long, that he acted like I was no one to him, that he came over to my house just to scream at me and blame me for something that wasn't my fault, that he told me he hates me. But I just can't be. It hurts too much. Besides, Abby is angry enough for the two of us. I've run into him a couple times since the fight. Once was at Nando's. Abby dragged me there because she's basically obsessed with it. Plus, she wanted me out of the house because I was just moping around being all depressed. When I saw him I had to act like I was pissed at him like he is at me. That's how we left the argument after all. But as soon as he was gone I broke down into tears. The other time was at Starbucks. How ironic that I would see him at the place we used to go to everyday as best friends. Again, I had to act like I hated him when all I really want is for him to love me again. Even if it's just as friends. I'll take that over being hated any day.

So today all three of us have a meeting with the producers of Choosing Relationships. I expect it's about the sequel. Abby and I go with each other and Louis drives separate as usual.

'You can do it, Ally. You can act mad. You're an actress after all,' I coach myself when we pull into the parking lot. I get out of the car along with Abby when I see him pull in. This is it. Time to act my butt off. He gets out of the car and sends a glare my way. I just roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. He's looked away by now and is walking into the studio. Another encounter that reminds me just how much he hates me...lovely. Note the sarcasm.

When we get inside we head to the conference room. We sit down at a table across from one of the movie producers and Louis, Abby, and I's individual managers.

"Good morning," the producer greets and we say the same. "So, we know originally we were planning on making a sequel to Choosing Relationships, but we've changed our minds."

"Woah, hold up! There's no sequel?" Abby questions. No sequel? But we were all looking forward to it so much! Another movie with our best friends...kinda.

"No. There isn't going to be a sequel, but we were thinking of maybe making a TV series out of it?" Abby and I looked at each other, and I could tell we both had the same feeling.

"Yes!!!" we exclaim together. I look to Louis to see him with a blank expression on his face; like he doesn't care about what's going on.

"Listen, this is a long term project. If you do this you'll have to put off the rest of your career until the series ends," my manager, Kris, tells me.

"We just thought it would be a good idea since you all get on so well," at the producer's words Louis scoffs.

"Yeah, we get on so well," he mumbles sarcastically so those across the table can't hear. I cross my arms and let out a loud breath,trying to seem mad. Abby is clenching her fists, seriously pissed.

"What, Tomlinson?"

"Oh, nothing."

"So, what do you guys think?" Sure I won't be able to do other movies and such, but I have plenty time to do that in the future. Right now, it will be fun just to have a good job with my best friend.

"I'm in," I say.

"Same here!" Abby adds. We all look at Louis to see what he thinks.

"I don't care...why not."

"Wow, so enthusiastic," I mutter sarcastically.

Soon the meeting is over and we are all heading to our cars. What was with him? He seemed like he didn't care at all what was happening with our careers.

"Good to know you care about how our careers are going," I comment harshly once we're in the parking lot.

"Well, excuse me for not jumping for joy now that I have another long term job that requires me to see you every day." Ouch, that one hurt.

"Listen here, you bloody arse," Abby interjects. "I know you're heartbroken and I'm sorry you got dumped, but for fucks sake you're being ridiculous! Stop blaming Ally for something that clearly isn't her fault! You think she went up to hug you thinking, 'this is the perfect way to ruin Louis' life'? Well she didn't, she did it because she was being a NICE PERSON! Just because you're miserable doesn't mean you have to make everyone else miserable! Now leave Ally alone before I seriously kick your arse!" she screams at Louis while I hide behind her. Louis just gives her a dirty look and quickly makes his way to his car and drives away.

Woah, that was crazy. She just exploded. I don't know whether to thank her or be mad at her for being so harsh. I know, I know, he's being a dick. But hey, he just got dumped because of a ridiculous rumor. It wasn't his fault, but he got his heart broken because of it. Yeah, he's hurting me by being rude and telling me he hates me, but that's only because he's in pain. You know when you care about someone so much that you would rather be in pain so they can be happy? That's me right now. I would rather take all of the pain of being hated by Louis if that means that he's happier. If taking out his anger and hurt on me makes him feel better, then let him.

I sit in the car with Abby without talking or doing anything really.

"Look, I'm sorry I snapped, but he deserved it," Abby says. I just nod at her.

Yeah, I suppose Louis did deserve it. I mean, it's not necessary to be acting like this to me. But he'll get over this hatred of me when he gets over Lindsay. I sure do hope that happens soon because I don't know how much more of this I can take.


A/N: Go, Abby, go! Lol. COMMENT! Seriously comment. Bc I thought my last chapter was like amazing but I only got 3 comments. So comment. I'm probably gonna start updating Thursdays and Mondays. But if u don't comment, there's no point. So comment. Byeeee!

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