I Found you

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+Years before the Present+

"HAHAHAHA!!! THE DEAL IS OVER MEATSACKS, NICE PLAYING WITH YA!!!" Bill exclaimed to the tricked cult he made a deal with. He returned to the mindscape happy to see the container glowing a light blue on its cradle.

"Oh Sapling, I can't wait until your born! We'll have so much fun together!" Bill said excitedly to the child in the cradle. The child inside was about to born today and soon. Bill just knew it and was very jumpy/happy.

After hovering around the container a little bit it began to show signs of cracking. Bill surprised, rushed around the room getting things ready to take care of his child's needs once it came out.

But an uninvited guest barged into the mindscape room Bill was in. The dream demon stopped flying around and saw StandFord Pines standing by the door holding his journal.

"What are you doing here Sixer?!" Bill shouted at the man, glaring at him.

Standford pointed at the Bill,"I'm here to stop you Bill! If I let you escape from this dimension you'll tear everything apart."

"Wow Pointdexter, seems you finally got the hint." Bill said sarcastically.

Reading from his journal, Stanford got Bill trapped inside a magic circle. The yellow demon hit his tiny hands agains the force field trying to break it.

"Stanford Pines... LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" Bill exclaimed in his low demonic voice and turn red and large. Pounding against the force field harder and started muttering a few words the Ford didn't bother to listen to.

Just as Stanford was about to finish, Bill said this, "I'LL BE BACK STANDFORD PINES, YOU HEAR ME! WHEN I COME BACK I WILL GET MY CHILD BACK AND TAKE OVER GRAVITY FALLS!" With his last words Bill disappeared from the magic circle.

'Wait did Bill just say he has a child?' Stanford thought. He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard crying. He looked over to a cradle in the corner of the room and walked over. Looking inside he saw a little baby boy with tears slipping from the corner of his eyes. Looking at the clock he noted the time the baby was born, 11:00 a.m. Stanford picked up the little one as it immediately stopped crying and started laughing while the baby held Stanford's nose.

The baby is a boy from the looks of it, with chocolate brown hair and large doe dark brown eyes. His skin was in the middle of pale and tan, but a little more on the pale side. And his birthmark placed on the center of his forehead.

"This is Cipher's child?" Standford says to no one. Carrying the baby, he brought them out of the mindscape. He fed the baby so milk from the fridge and set him down to sleep. Once he was sure the baby would not wake up he went to the phone and called someone.

Ring ring ring~


"Shermy? Would you and your wife do me a big favor?"

+The Present Time+

After the portal incident a few weeks ago everyone had settled back to their regular routine. On some occasions though Stanley would get into fights with his twin Standford, but besides that everything was okay.

It had been a normal day where Dipper and Mabel stayed in there room and hangout with each other. Dipper nose deep into the journal with black light in hand reading the invisible ink while Mabel was doing her arts and crafts, making sweaters or something with glitter.

"Hey bro-bro? Have you tried flashing that light on Bill's page yet?" Mabel asked putting her knitting on her lap.

Dipper shook his head, "Not yet Mabel, wanna look at it together?"

Bill Cipher's SonWhere stories live. Discover now