Tad's Wife

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack-The Next Day+

After Christmas Day, everyone returned back to their normal routine.

Bill escorted Will, Tyrone, and Reverse Mabel back home to Reverse Falls. Then came back, sticking to his son like glue.

Tad, Bill, Mabel, and Dipper say in the table in the living room while the tv played quietly.

"I saw you guys leave mid party yesterday. Where did you guys go?" Dipper asked Tad and his cousin. No doubt that Mabel loves parties, but she would never leave in the middle of one.

Tad looked down at his hands clenching and uncle thing his fist slowly.

Mabel looked at her cousin sadly. "We went to go visit my Mom's grave." She answered him.

Dipper and Bill's eye widened at what she told them.

Dipper looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry Shooting Star. I didn't mean to walk into a sensitive topic." He apologized.

"It's okay Sapling, it's not like you knew about her." Tad said almost quite. He pondered for a moment and look at his daughter, brother, and nephew. "How about I tell you about her. I'm sure you would like to know what kind of mom you had Stella."

The three nodded at Bill, signaling the purple demon to go on.

"Long time ago, I fell in love with another demon. She was very beautiful and charming, love at first sight might I say. Lovely, straight, but kinda curly long, light pink hair. Mesmerizing pink eyes and flawless pale skin. She also had this cute mark behind her neck. If I remember correctly, Stella has the same mark in the same place as her." Tad says chuckling.

Mabel lifted her long brown hair to reveal the back of her neck. "Is it there Dipper?" She asked excitedly.

Dipper examined the mark behind her neck. Wondering how he never noticed it before. The shape of a flower, four squares turned side ways forming the flower with pale skin outlining the shapes. "It's there alright."

Mabel let her hair fall back, grinning at her Dad. "This is great! I have something in common with my Mom!" She said happily.

"Stella, you take after your Mom so much already. Like her bubbly personality, caring heart, and so much more. I just wish she was still alive to see how much you've grown into a fine young lady." Tad said hugging Mabel like she is the most precious thing in the world. "You're more like your mother than you'll ever know."

Mabel hugged him back laughed a little bit.

"So how did my brother meet this luckily lady that you did not introduce me too?" Bill asked.

Tad rolled his eyes at him. "We both met at one of father's business parties. As I said before, it was love at first sight. Both of us started to hangout a lot and we got to know much about each other. Then I finally had the guts to ask her to be my girlfriend after a dinner date. You ignored my invitation when I had big news to tell you about my engagement with her."

"I'll let you know I had a very important date with Will that day and I couldn't afford to miss it." Bill remarked.

Dipper decided to break the ice between the two. "What was her name Uncle Tad?"

Tad smiled at Dipper. "Her name is Tsuki Lepos, but when we got married my last name was added to the end of her name."

"That's how I got my middle name! It's Mom's maiden name." Mabel says in understanding. "Hey Dad, do you have a picture of Mom?"

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