The Big News!

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I forgot to mention this earlier, I'd like to thank royfilimon281 for helping me make some decisions for parts of my stories! Your an awesome person ^^

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+
*time skip- 6 months*

For the passed six months the twins, Tad, Mabel, and even Bill had noticed weird things going on with Dipper. He's been vomiting from time to time, having random mood swings and cravings. One time Dipper poured maple syrup all over his steak. Bill got scared when Dipper started vomiting in the toilet from time to time. Not to mention Dipper's stomach has been growing.

"Dipper you need to get off that chair and start working out. Look at you, your getting fat." Mabel said to her cousin gesturing his stomach.

Dipper groaned. "Shooting Star, for the life of me I can't work out or move unless I have to get food or go to bed."

"She's right though PineTree, your putting on some pounds. Plus you've been acting weird for the past months already." Bill said. He went over to his son to pull him up from the couch. "Up you go PineTree."

"I want Tyrone." Dipper says getting onto his feet with the help of his Father.

Tad came into the room with some tea. "Sapling is there something wrong that you've been acting like this? We're getting worried about you."

Dipper shook his head. "I'm fine really Father, Uncle Tad, Shooting Star. Don't worry about it." He took to walking up to his room to rest.

Once Dipper was out of the room, the three left in the room couldn't leave him alone.

The next time Bill found his son was when he was passing by the bathroom while Dipper was vomiting into the toilet. Bill to the action of helping him afterwards.

Tad then found Dipper in the kitchen eating a tub of rocky road ice cream with a container of peanut butter.

After that Mabel started a conversation with her cousin, but he ended up randomly crying in the middle. Say that nobody loves him and Mabel had to comfort him awkwardly telling him there's lots of people who love him.

The twins got caught up in one of Dipper's violent mood swings. Both of them got scratches and bite marks to prove it.

Illumi and Kryptos caught Dipper having another of cravings and vomiting it up on the kitchen floor. The red head brought Dipper up to the bathroom to clean up and Kryptos cleaned up the vomit on the floor.

"Okay, I've had enough of this! There is definitely something wrong with Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed to everyone in the living room.

Bill agreed with his niece. "Your right Shooting Star. I told Will about this and he's worrying about PineTree. I'm worried about what's happening to him." His voice filled with concern.

"Well when you find out what's wrong with him, tell us because we need a good explanation for these scratches and bite marks." Stan says next to his brother.

Will and Tyrone appeared from a portal that opened up in the room and closed behind them.

Tyrone looked at everyone scooping out Dipper, but he wasn't in the room.

"How's PineTree Bill?" Will asked walking to Bill.

They heard a flushing coming from upstairs.

"Seems like he just finished vomiting in the toilet...again." Bill says to his wife.

Dominic came down the stair and saw his family and friends staring at him. He was surprised to see his Mother and his boyfriend among them.

"What's going on here? Why are Mother and Tyrone here?" He asked.

Bill Cipher's SonWhere stories live. Discover now