Christmas Day

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+Gravity Falls: Christmas Day+

Everyone is in the living room eating together on Christmas morning! Lots of presents under the Christmas tree, bright lights decorating the room, table full of food. It's an awesome way to spend Christmas with everyone.

Ever since Bill and Will returned to normal the day before, they've been spending more time with Dominic and Tyrone. Then again they had to leave for awhile to fix up their gifts before Christmas. The funny part is that they didn't remember anything while they were kids. All those two remembered was eating Illumi's food and passing out.

Bill told his son to remind him to never eat Illumi's food ever again and told Will to stay away from Illumi's cooking.

Sorry back to the main topic, today is Christmas Day!

"Everyone say something crazy!" Stella says, running to her spot next to girlfriend.

"SOMETHING CRAZY!" Everyone exclaimed smiling at the camera as it took a photo of them.

The flash went off capturing that moment of the group next to the tree.

Stella ran and got the camera with the female Gleeful Twin following her.

Dominic and Tyrone settling themselves on a armchair. As usual Dominic sitting on Tyrone's lap as the other held his hands in his.

"Okay let's have Shooting Star and PineTree open their presents first." Bill said to everyone.

The group nodded with smiles.

Dipper didn't really want to get off his boyfriends lap, but he had to get a present from under the tree.

Stella was on her knees already looking through the presents under the tree.

Both of them saw lots of presents with their names on it, but a certain present caught their eye(s). They took their present from under the tree and placed it on their lap.

Dominic read the card on his wrapped gift. "Merry Christmas Dipper, I hope you enjoy this gift I got you young man. Love your Grunkle Stan." He looked to Stan's direction, the old man giving him a double thumbs up.

Stella read the same card attached to her present. "Merry Christmas Mabel, I hope you love your gift young lady. Love your Grunkle Stan." She smiled at Stan who had a big grin on his face.

The two cousins unwrapped the present they got and opened the box. They pulled out their gift at the same time.

Stella screamed to joy and hugged her present. Jumping up to her feet, running towards Stan and tackling him in a hug. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!"

"Sweetie- can you please get of me. I'm getting too old for this, but I'm glad you love your present." Stan said with a chuckle and got back on his feet when Stella got off of him.

Stella hugged her present tightly, cuddling it in her arms. "So cuuute!" She walked back to Dominic and sat beside him.

"It's alright. Thanks Fez." Dominic says smiling at Stan. He hugged the gift in his arms cuddling it a bit like Stella is doing with her gift.

Tad and Bill stared at the gift with bit of envy. Feeling as if two new enemies have arrived.

The cousins' present is a stuffed doll of Bill and Tad in their demon form.

Will had to pat both the brothers' back to calm them down and remind them it was Christmas. Eventually they simmered down and smiled again enjoying the rest of the party.

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