I'll give up everything for you

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Note: hey guys! Like to say how happy I am that lots of people are reading this story ^^ if you wanna draw fanart for this story feel free to share them with me! I'll put it up in up as my chapter picture! Have fun reading ^^

+Reverse Falls: Dipper Cipher-Town 4:00 p.m.+

Dipper walked through the town after teleporting away from his reverse self to calm his mind. He didn't want to break up with Tyrone, but things were getting rough. 'I wish Tyrone would tone down a bit on hurting Gideon and Pacifica. It was a close call last time.' He thought. Dipper could remember seeing his friends' blood dripping from their body and blank stares. He was brought out of his thoughts when he bumped into someone and fell on his butt.

"Ouch." Dipper says.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." The person in front of Dipper apologizes.

Dipper looks up to see a familiar face and smiled. "It's alright Wendy."

This Wendy is a mix of Robbie and the regular Wendy from Gravity Falls. She was a tough fighting, kinda laid back type of person. She wore light brown boots, black pants, gray v-neck, black zip up jacket, red scarf, and a sea green beanie. Surprisingly she got along with him better than the other Dipper.

Wendy shakes her head and looks at him with surprise. "Hey it's Dipper from Gravity. What are you doing here? I heard from Gideon you left for awhile after you got into a fight with the other Dipper."

Dipper laughed and answers her question. "My Father wanted to visit Will to see how he was doing. We're staying here for awhile since my cousin, her dad, and a friend are also here to see what Reverse Falls is like."

"Cool bro. Hey you hungry? There's a new cafe that opened up and it has some great stuff. I'll treat you for today." Wendy offered.

Dipper nodded. "Sure Wendy, I didn't really have any lunch yet. Let's go."

Both of them went to the cafe called Wonderland. It was a good medium sized building color blue and white. Inside the building is white fancy tables and chairs to match the wonderland theme. The floor tile was a black and white checker pattern. The workers also dressed up as the characters from the story. Dipper saw some of the customers also wearing costumes too having a good time.

Wendy and Dipper sat down at a table, ordered some food and drinks, and continued to talk.

+Reverse Falls: Town-with Mabel, Reverse Dipper, Pacifica, and Gideon+

"Okay the first thing we need to do is find Dip Dot!" Mabel exclaimed as they walked through the the streets.

"We should look through the cafes first, I'm sure he's hungry. We didn't have any lunch back at the shack since we were to busy watching that Tv show." Gideon says looking through the windows of the buildings.

The group nodded and started looking through cafe windows in search of Dipper. It took awhile, but they finally found him at a cafe called Wonderland. They saw him chatting with someone across from him.

"Hey that's Wendy!" Pacifica exclaimed with a smile.

The three happy teens turned to the other Dipper who was muttering darkly under his breath with a scowl.

"What's wrong with this Dipper?" Mabel asked Gideon and Pacifica.

"Haha... We probably should have said something earlier about Wendy and Dipper here in this universe." Pacifica says awkwardly.

"Those two hate each other's guts alot. It's like cat vs dog. When ever they see each other they'd go into this big fight. Takes awhile to separate the two." Gideon added and they see Dipper about to head in there to start a fight.

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