Like Father Like Son

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An: Hey guys new Chapter! Also I'm attending Anime convention in December on the 19th! If you guys are there feel free to say hi.

+Reverse Falls: Mystery Shack- Morning+

The morning started as usual, but this time it was held in the living room where they watched television, enjoying breakfast. A few mintues into the good morning, Wipper started crying again, probably about something Bipper said to him.

"Bill will you please stop making Will cry!" Pacifica exclaimed to the laughing male.

Bipper shook his head standing behind Wipper holding him by the shoulders. "That wasn't me. It's probably Bruning Tree- ...aaaand PineTree just woke up too." He says with a grin, a playful smirk grew on his face.

"That look can't be good." Tad and Ford say at the same time.

Bipper leaned over Wipper's shoulder and licked his tears away. Both of them let go of their hold of possessing the two teens. Their triangle forms hovering above the two Dippers.

The group saw the Dippers' eyes and eye go back into its normal rounded pupil shape and turned back to a normal white around it.

Tyrone realizing Dominic was licking his cheek, turned around and jumped on top of him. "What the heck Dominic?!"

"Oof! It's not my fault!" Dominic says quickly while trying to regain his breath after being jumped on by the other.

Will silently watched the two in his blue triangle form, tears pooling in his one eye. Beside him was Bill, also in his yellow triangle form. "Hmm... Interesting. Hahahaha!" He laughed again.

It took a few minutes, but Mabel and Pacifica were able to break the two from fighting. Once the two stopped fussing at each other, Gideon took the liberty of telling them what happened and that the two of them spend the whole day yesterday sleeping.

"You're telling us that we slept a day away while Father and Will possessed us the whole entire time." Dominic says in a tired voice while rubbing his eye.

Gideon nodded. "Yup, that pretty much sums it up. You guys missed a really fun day."

Tyrone on the other hand was pinching and stretching Will's triangular body roughly making him cry. "You insolent triangle." He said in a pissed off tone.

"I'm s-sorry B-Burning Tree..." Will cried in pain.

Dominic smacked Tyrone behind the head.

"What was that for?!" Tyrone exclaimed to his lover dropping Will to rub the back of his head.

"Tyrone, its not Will's fault. If you had half the mind to listen to Gideon, then you would have heard him say my Father forced him to posses you." Dominic calmly says and pecks a kiss on Tyrone's cheek. His lover did the same thing back. "Now apologize, please."

Tyrone sighed and turned to look at the sniffling blue triangle. "Will, I'm sorry about what I did." He apologized, not wanting to start another fight period with his lover.

"I-It's okay Burning Tree. I should have stood up against Bill." Will says back to the brunet. He transformed back into his human form and patted Tyrone on the head lightly. The other narrowed his eyes at the blue hair demon for the action, but allowed it this one time.

Bill did the same thing, turning back into his human form, and went over to his son wrapping him into a hug. "It's good to see my son up and energized! How are you feeling PineTree?" He asked his son looking him over from top to bottom.

"I'm fine Father. I have to admit that sleeping the day away was really good for me." Dominic answered his father and did a little stretching after his father let go of him.

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