Let's take a Trip to another Dimension

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+Mystery Shack: Morning+

"Morning Everyone!" Mabel exclaimed to her family and friends.

Everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast calmly, excluding Bill and Kryptos glaring at each other. Soos and Wendy were also there eating at the table.

"Morning Hambone!"

"Yo Mabel."

Mabel picked up a plate and gathered some food onto her plate.

Everything was perfect...


Well, that was until Bill's bow tie started ringing.

"Excuse me~" Bill says tearing his gaze away from Kryptos with a grin. He quickly put his plate away and headed into the living room.

Ford turned to look at Dipper. "Any thoughts on who's calling him?"

Dipper had his thinking face on. "My bet is on Will."

"Who's Will kid?" Stan asked.

"He's Bill's reverse self from a parallel universe, he usually keeps in contact with Father because of my parallel self and other reasons." Dipper explaines, his voice slightly getting quiet with a light blush appearing on his face.

"PineTree are you okay? Your getting a little red." Kryptos asks the teen.

Dipper looked away from the others' stares and waved them off. "I-I'm fine, don't worry."

Before anyone could press Dipper to draw him out to tell the truth, Bill came back into the room with an excited look. "Who wants to go on a trip to another dimension?" The blond asked happily.

"Oh! I do! I do!" Mabel shouts excitedly jumping up and down with her hand in the air.

"Slow down dear, we don't even know what dimension he's talking about." Tad says to his daughter. "So Bill, which dimension are you talking about?"

"Very good question there brother of mine." Bill snapped his fingers and a hologram popped into existence of a sign that says REVERSE FALLS on a hill. "Reverse Falls is the demension that I plan to head to. It's the parallel universe and second main core of Gravity Falls, where everyones role and personality is well reversed. I want to visit my reverse self for awhile to see how he's doing."

"What do you mean it's the second main core?" Ford questioned.

The hologram changed into two planets. "Think of it like this Sixer. You look at your self in the mirror, on one side of the mirror is good, while the other side is the opposite. Depending on what type of person you are now reflects into the reverse universe." Bill explains to the man.

The people at the table thought about it for awhile and some decided to go.

People going: Mabel, Tad, Ford, and Bill

People not going: Stan, Soos, Wendy, and Kryptos

"How about you Dipper?" Ford asks looking at Dipper who just finished eating.

Dipper slowly backed away from the group. "Um, I think I'll skip this trip Sixer." He says backing away.

Bill smirked and wrapped his arm around his son to keep him from leaving the room. "Aw~ Come on PineTree! I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again~" he says in a teasing voice causing his son to blush.

"Whose the he?" Wendy asked curiously to Bill.

Dipper got out of his father's arm hold and placed his plate in the sink while stuttering. "H-He is a no one important. Father, say anything about him and I'll ignore you for a very long time." The brunet threatened his Father.

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