Deal Shooting Star?

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A few minutes later, Dipper's Uncle popped into the mindscape in his demon form. He was a purple shape square with one eye in the middle, a black folded umbrella, black tie, and a bowler hat levitating above his shape.

"It's good to see you again Sapling." The square says.

Dipper nodded at the demon. "It's nice to see you again too Uncle Tad."

Tad changed into his human form and gestured his hand to the kitchen. "It's late already and you need to eat dinner. Then you need to head to bed little one."

"Uncle Tad~ I'm a teen now, I'm not little anymore." Dipper complained.

Tad shook his head. "When you become a thousand years old, then we'll talk. As you can tell little one your father and I are far more older than you."

"Fine." Dipper knew he could not win this battle and followed the man into the kitchen.

+Gravity Fall's the next day afternoon in the forest with The Pines Family, Soos, Wendy, Pacifica, Candy, and Grenda+

"Did you guys get the stuff I asked for?" Mabel asked her friends.

Candy, Grenda, and Pacifica nodded and handed her the supplies. Soos and Wendy gave her some chalk dust and candles. The two Stans gave her a picture of Dipper when he was still young with his eyes crossed out with red marker.

"Mabel can you at least tell us what your gonna do now with all this stuff." Ford stared at the supplies now out of the bags.

"I'm gonna summon Dipper guys. It's the fastest way we can get him here." Mabel responded and started drawing the summoning circles.

"Mabel we don't even know what the kid's summoning circle looks like!" Stan let out a tired sigh watching her.

Pacifica nodded at the remark. "Without knowing Dipper's summon we can't call him."

"If I'm correct, Dipper's summoning circle should look like Bill's circle, but with a PineTree." Mabel said drawing a PineTree in the middle with one eye, top hat, with arms and legs. Then she drew the nine symbols in the right places. "But I can't figure out the last symbol that would replace Dipper's symbol!" She exclaims throwing her arms in the air.

Ford look at the summoning and took another chalk from the bag and bent down. "Mabel if your correct about Dipper's summoning being like Bill's, then the sign that replaces the PineTree should be a triangle." He place the chalk on the circle and drew a triangle.

Mabel's friends set the candles on the ground around the circle, while Wendy and Soos lit them up.

Once that was done everyone held hands and started chanting a summoning related to Bill's.


Dipper stared at his Uncle sipping tea while he ate some Caesar salad for lunch.

"Hey Uncle Tad, do you have a child too?"

Tad was caught off guard by the question and choked on his tea. After composing himself he looked at Dipper with a small smile. "And what brought this up Sapling?" Tad asked while setting his tea cup down.

Dipper stared at his salad. "It's just you act so protective when you come over and watch me while Father has long deal trips. Just makes me think you have a kid too cause you act like a parent."

The purple headed man nodded. "I'll tell you something I haven't told your Father sapling."

Dipper looked at him and leaned in.

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