You're joking right?

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- morning+

"Dipper, Mabel... Your both going to school today." Stan bluntly says after taking another bite of his breakfast.

Mabel and Dipper had stopped midway from their next bite, Tad continued eating, and Bill literally did a spit tick.

Ford nodded in agreement with his twin. "It'll be a good thing for the both of you. Not to mention hanging out and making new friends."

Bill wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and gave the twins an unbelievable look. "You're joking right?"

"Not joking here Cipher, like normal kids, both of them will go to school and learn. Plus they need to communicate with others." Fords says seriously looking towards Bill.

"You both know that's ironic right? Dipper and Stella aren't normal kids, there're demons." Tad says.

Grunckle Stan waved it off. "So? Both of them are still kids. Doesn't change anything."

Bill glared at him, but the author ignored him and turned his attention to the teens. "You two, go get ready for your first day of school." Ford smiles.

Mabel squealed in delight and went rushing up stairs to her room. Dipper on the other hand sighed while rolling his eye, he walked upstairs anyways to get ready.

Stan finished his breakfast and got ready too, so he could drive the teens to school.

"Sixer, I practically have all the knowledge in the whole universe. I can teach my son better then some flesh bag that could hardly know the right answer." Bill says sternly at Ford while clenching his fist at his side.

"I already talked with your wife before he left for his universe. He said it would be a great idea for Dipper to still experience school with everyone." Ford says back with a smirk on his face.

Bill groaned and crossed his arms when he heard Ford say that. 'Can't say no to the wife.' He pouted at the thought.

Tad patted Bill's shoulder with a chuckle. "Lighten up brother. I have to admit that Sapling does need to make some friends his own age."

"Friends that would probably hurt him, or better yet betray his trust." Bill grumbled out. "Not to mention he could be a target for bullying."

"You worry to much Bill, the kid is gonna be fine. Now stop being a overprotective Father." Tad finalized the conversation and started washing the dishes.

Bill stood up quickly from his chair. "NEVER!!!!!" He declares childishly, running up the stairs to his son's room.

Ford slapped a hand over his eyes. "Stubborn and childish."

"You got that right Sixer." Tad agreed, chuckling again.

After a few minutes of getting ready, Mabel came down wearing a purple sweater with a bunny on it. With a blue skirt, white knee length socks, and black flats.

Tad handed her a pink backpack with a shooting star charm on it. "I put all the stuff you need in you back dear."

"Even my grappling hook?" Mabel asked chirped at her dad.

Tad nodded with a smile. "You'll never know when you need it." He says and Mabel gave him a tight hug.

"Father can you please let go." Dipper's voice whined with plead.

Tad and Mabel turned to the door to see Dipper walking in with Bill clinging around his neck. He was wearing a white dress shirt, blue no sleeve vest, black jeans, and black sneakers. On his vest, over his heart, was a yellow PineTree, and black bracelets. His dark blue sling backpack hung over his right shoulder.

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