Mending that Broken Bond

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

After yesterday's events, the Shack was pretty empty except for Mabel and Dipper being home alone together.

Both their Dads went to deal with some business, cause you know, they are demons. Stan went to take a break and take a trip to Las Vegas, taking his twin along with him. Ford didn't like the idea of going, but he was practically forced by his twin. Soos stayed home since the shack was close for the day, that included Wendy too. Their Aunt Illumi had gone with Kryptos back to the demon world to buy some supplies that they've ordered and needed to be picked up.

The two cousins were currently watching TV together, kinda like old times.

But with an awkward silence.

Mabel wanted to talk with her cousin, but Dipper was kinda making it hard to do that.

Dipper wanted nothing more then to avoid anything that had to talk about what happen 4 years ago. It was in the past, everything should be locked up and worry free. He knew Mabel wanted to talk to him about it, but he wouldn't let her.

The female cousin sighed quietly and looked out the window. Her eyes widen when she saw snow falling.

"Dipper! Look, it's snowing!"

Dipper looked away from the Tv and saw the snow falling. He smiled at his cousin. "Wanna go outside?"

Mabel ran out of the living room and came rushing back in with two pairs of coats. One blue and the other pink with sparkles. "Come one Dip!" She threw his coat towards him.

Dipper caught the coat and put it on while Mabel was already by the door. "You can go ahead Shooting Star! I'll be out in a second!" Dipper said loudly from the living room.

Mabel squealed in delight and ran out the door. She danced around while the snow fell to the ground. He laughs ringing happily.

Dipper soon came out and watched Mabel dance through the falling snowflakes laughing at the same time. He smiled softly at the scene of his cousin dancing, just like old times.

The female cousin skipped over to Dipper and held out her hand. "Come dance in the snow with me Dipper." She invited him.

"Sure Shooting Star." Mabel pouted at the nickname at first, but went back smiling again. Dipper lead his cousin through a dance which made Mabel laugh and giggle.

Her brown hair with purple highlights flowing from the sudden breeze. Mabel was like a graceful snow fairy born from winter.

The dance didn't take long to finish. They both stopped dancing and took in the frost covered yard.

"Hey Dipper?" Mabel says in a little quite voice.

"Yes, Shooting Star?" Dipper answered her.

Mabel stood face to face with her cousin, well she had to tilt her head up because Dipper is still taller than her. "Can we go back to the things were back then?"

Dipper eyes widen and he stayed quiet, not answering her question.

"Please Dipper? I know that you still don't forgive all of us, especially me." Mabel said to him in a sad tone. Her voice shaking a bit.

Dipper looked at the ground. "Shooting Star-"

"No! Don't call me that! I want you to call me Mabel again! Mabes! Stella will do just fine too!" She exclaimed at Dipper loudly causing him to take a step back. "I miss all our adventures! The fun carefree thing we did together!" Tears rolled down her cheeks falling down to the cold ground.

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