+Reverse Falls: Gleeful House+
Will was in Tyrone's room tending to his needs since the brunet had broken his right leg during a performance. He made sure the brunet was comfortable and his wants were taken care of.
Tyrone on the other hand didn't like staying in one place for long, but his injury had restricted him from moving else where. He hated the cast so much he tried to break it with his powers. Will had been there just in time to stop him unfortunately.
Now Will is sitting in a chair in the brunet's room reading while Tyrone read his 2nd journal.
A portal opened up unexpectedly causing Will to stand up quickly. The blue head was surprised to see his son come out of the portal crying.
"Dominic?!" Both Will and Tyrone says at the same time.
Dominic sniffed, rubbing his eyes so he could see clearly, but he started tearing up again. He ran over to his Mother and hugged him tightly. "Mother... Mother..." He cried into Will's light blue jacket.
Will patted his son's back lightly while his other hand rubbed it in circles. "Shh... Dominic, calm down dear."
Tyrone watched Will comfort his lover confused why his lover was crying.
Will passed Dominic to Tyrone to care of temporarily, so he could make a call to Tad and asked him what happened. He obviously couldn't call his husband because he was probably the main cause of why Dominic was crying in the first place. Will walked out of the room while Tyrone comforted Dominic.
He opened his hologram screen and it started calling Tad.
Ring~ Ring~
The other end picked up and Tad appeard on the screen rubbing his temples. "Will, is my nephew there?"
"Yes Tad, Dominic is here with Tyrone and I. What happened?" He asked worriedly.
Tad had explained to Will about what had happened for the past few days and the fight that happened just awhile ago. Will knew he had to talk to Dipper first and come with him to make up with his Father.
"Finally Sapling yelled, "I wish you weren't my Father", at Bill. We found Bill crying afterwards in their room.
Will sighed and nodded. "I'll talk things out with Pine Tree. Please make sure Bill is okay." He says sadly mixed with worry.
"Of course Will. My daughter is trying to get him to calm down and get off the floor at the moment. We'll do our best to brighten him up again." Tad replied with an apologetic expression on his face.
Will smiled softly. "Thank you Tad. I'll be seeing Bill soon with Pine Tree if possible."
"We'll be here waiting."
The call ended and the blue demon retured to Tyrone's room. He found Tyrone, still on his bed, stroking Dominic's hair whispering soothing word to him. Dominic arms wrapped around the other's neck, crying quietly into Tyrone's shoulder. Will sat down on a chair next to Tyrone's bed and began to speak to his son softly.
"Dominic..." Will started out to get his attention.
Dominic shifted a bit in Tyrone's lap and peeked his eye over at his Mother. "What?" He asked.
"I heard what happened from Tad. Why would you say such a thing to your Father?" Will says sadly.
"Because Father was being all mean to Uncle Kryptos. I trust him, I know Unckle Kryptos wasn't lying to me. He hasn't been deceiving me at all. We were just having a bonding experience together that's all. Then all of a sudden Fa- I mean Bill, starts yelling at me that I shouldn't trust Uncle Kryptos. That he's probably trying to mess with my mind again." Dominic explained tears still rolling down his cheeks. "Bill told me not to spend time with him anymore."

Bill Cipher's Son
FanfictionBill wanted someone to care for and share his knowledge with, just between the two of them. But Bill never wanted a lover, being a demon was an advantage because they were a mix of both genders. Then when it's almost time for the baby to come, Stanf...