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+Kryptos and Dipper: location ?+

Kyrptos had transported the two of them into a cave somewhere deep into the woods. Dipper was lead inside and saw the cave was well furnished and concealed from others unless they look really closely.

"What was that you were talking about earlier?" Dipper asked sitting on a stool next to the kitchen counter.

Kryptos behind the counter turned to face him with a smile. "About what my sweet PineTree?"

"You know, about me being with Cipher in every alternate universe." Dipper says to the man who started cooking.

"Hmm~ Well PineTree, no matter what, you always end up by Cipher's side for some reason. All the demons had found that really odd being that everyone else either ended up with someone different by their side or alone." Kryptos explained slipping some food onto a plate for the brunet. "Other demons have tried to separate you and Cipher before, but the triangle just won't let you go."

Dipper picked up the plate Kryptos gave him and began to eat. "Thanks for helping me Kryptos." Dipper smiled at the demon sweetly.

"Your welcome my little PineTree, just know you can always trust me if you need help." Kryptos replied and started to wash the dirty pans.

The brunet smiled, "I know, I trust you after all."

+Mystery Shack: an hour after Kryptos left with Dipper+

Mabel waited inside the shack with her Dad, red puffy eyes from crying for awhile now. 'Why didn't Dipper accept that he's like us and that Bill's his father? He easily accepted it the first time.' Mabel thought sadly and worried for her Uncle and Dipper. Bill had yet to come back to the shack with Dipper.

"Mabel dear? Are you in here?" Mabel's dad asked in the hallway.

"I'm here dad." She says weakly, her voice shaking.

Tad walked into the room with a glass of water with a small frown to see his daughter had been crying. "Mabel, I know that it's hard right now, but everything will be fine soon enough." Tad tried to comfort her and clear the stress away. He handed her the glass of water which she gratefully accepted. Mabel gulped down some of the water and took some deep breaths.

The door downstairs bursted open, the two demons stood up and headed to the front door where they saw the twins hauling in Bill with both his arms on their shoulder.

"Omg Uncle Bill!" Mabel exclaimed and ran over to the three.

Tad also hurried over to them and was shocked to see his brother in such a bad condition.

Bill was soaked to the bone. He clothes stuck to his body drenched with water. His one visible eye was closed and red around the rim. His hair was dripping with water and messed up. The demon was shivering from the cold rainwater on his clothes.

The twin brothers dragged him over to the couch in the living room and laid him down.

Mabel went to go get some warm food up and Tad had ran upstairs fetching some towels to dry him.

Ford was checking the blond's health and Stan was helping Mabel by making some warm drinks.

Tad came back down and started wiping off the water on Bill's body. Once he was completely dried off Tad snapped his fingers getting Bill's wet clothing changed into warm dry ones.

Mabel and Stan came in after with food and drinks and set them on the table. The brunet went over to her uncle and now saw Bill had a calm look in his face. She could hear him mumble quite words as he was resting.

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