It's Was An Accident I Swear!

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+Mystery Shack: Living room-Afternoon+

Inside the Mystery Shack, two children were crying for over 30 minutes already.

"Mabel sweetie, can you get their mouth holes to clam up already?" Stan says in an irritated tone.

"I can't Grunckle Stan! Every time I try and get close to those two, they just cry harder." Mabel replied rubbing her temples.

Tad, Illumi, and Kryptos could only blankly stare at the two little kids crying.

Kryptos gave a side glance to Illumi. "I always knew you were a big trouble maker."

"It was an accident! I swear!" Illumi exclaimed as a whine.

Tad sighed running a hand through his hair. "We can only wait until the effects of what ever you gave them wear off Illumi or we can whip them up a antidote. The main problem now, you two, is getting them to stop crying."

"Whaaaaa!" The blond child wailed loudly.

The blue child sniffled while rubbing his eyes, occasionally hiccuping.

The door at the front of the shack opened and closed.

"We're home!" Dominic's voice called out. "Ah! Tyrone can you help me with this."

"Sure." Tyrone's voice said.

Mabel looked at her Dad, who shrugged at her about their situation.

Illumi and Kryptos watched the two kids quite down at the sound of Dominic and Tyrone's voices.

Stan got up and left the living room to continue with work.

Dominic and Tyrone walked into the room sensing the tense atmosphere.

"Um, is everything alright in here?" Dominic asked confused.

"Dipper... We have something to tell you, but-" Mabel was cut off when the two little kids ran past her and hugged each of Dominic's legs.

"Eh?" Dominic looked down at the two kids with surprise.

Tyrone looked at them too. "Are these two who I think they are?" His eyes scanning the children.

The first child that caught his eye was the blond kid. He had a mini black top hat on hovering a inch above his head, oversize yellow sweater with a brick pattern on the bottom that some how fit him, black pants and shoes. Also a little black bow that stuck onto the collar of his sweater.

The second child is just like a copy of the first child. But his outfit is slightly different. His mini black top hat is slightly bent down, his sweater is light blue, and his hair is light blue too.

Kryptos decided to answer him. "If your thinking Bill and Will, then your correct. Apparently Illumi here gave them something that turned them into little kids."

"I said it was an accident!" Illumi exclaimed once again.


"I made soup everyone! I got some fresh ingredients from the forest this morning. I had to dig throw the snow to get these you know. Whose hungry?" Illumi asked happily placing the pot of soup on the table.

"I'll pass Aunty Illumi." Mabel says. "This girl has some drawing to do." She pulls out a sketchbook and starts drawing fashion designs and other crafts.

"Not hungry at the moment." Stan replied walking out of the room.

"I already ate." Ford says walking out to go back towards his lab.

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