Let's Follow Dipper

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- Saturday Morning+

Wendy sat by the register in the gift shop of the Mystery Shack reading a lady lumberjack magazine. Over the 4 years she grew up into a fine young 19 year old lady and her long red hair had become even longer going to the back of her knees.

"Hey Wendy!"

Said young lady looked up and saw her group of friends. Tambry, Robbie, Nate, Lee, and Thompson stood by the door showing her a smile. Tambry grew her hair down to her shoulders, grew a little taller and was still in a good relationship with Robbie. Speaking of him, Robbie hadn't changed much besides his outfit and his height, but he still kept his stitched heart zip up hoodie. He managed well with his career as a guitarist too. Nate, Lee, and Thompson didn't change much either except for the change in clothes and height.

"Yo Wendy! What's up dude?" Lee says to Wendy walking over to the counter and their friends following up.

Wendy smiled at them and laughed. "Nothing much dude. Man, I haven't see you guys in awhile." She set her magazine back under the counter and focused her attention on them.

"Yeah. Oh! How's um... You know, the Pines Family?" Thompson asked uncertain asking about the Pines. Because of what happen 4 years back everyone had been a little bit sensitive to asking about them.

Wendy chuckled. "You guys will never believe what I'm about to tell you."

"Oh yeah? Try us." Nate says daringly.

Wendy looked at them serious. "Bill Cipher, that dream demon, is really Dipper's father. Apparently Mabel isn't his twin, but his cousin and her real name is Stella Lepos Stange! She's the daughter of Bill's half brother, Tad Strange. So that means Mabel is actually a demon too. Basically I know that much, so pretty speechless huh?"

5 of Wendy's friends were jaw dropped, even Tambry looked up from her phone with a shocked expression.

"Wicked!" Lee and Nate exclaimed in awe.

"Who knew Mabel would be a demon too." Tambry says and went back to typing onto her phone.

Robbie looked around the gift shop. "So where are those two anyways?" He asked Wendy.

Before the red head could answer a shout from behind the employees only door came out. It sounded more like a whine.

"PineeeeeTreeeee~ Don't gooooooooo~!"

"Father, let- go- I'll be back later. Promise."



"I'm not letting you go!"

The 6 in the gift shop started to hear sniffling.

"D-Does Dad h-h-hate me so much not to let me s-see Mother and Tyrone?"

"PineTree?! Uh? Don't cry um..."

"S-so Dad does hate me..."

"No! You can go see Will and Burning Tree! Just don't cry, please!"


Dipper walk through the the door with a victorious smirk on his face and walked passed Wendy and her friends with out noticing them. He went out of the Shack heading for the forest.

"Um what just happened?" Thompson asked.

"I think Dipper just played his father like a harp dude." Wendy says with a wide eye expression.

Then Nate came up with an idea. "Let's follow Dipper and see where he goes!"

Tambry still looking at her phone agreed. "I'm up for that. I could put more stuff about him on my blog." She typed on her phone Planning on following Dipper.

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