Meet Bipper and Wipper

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+Reverse Falls: Mystery Shack -Morning+

The weather was sunny with a few clouds in the sky, but the heat was scorching hot. Everyone, but Bill, Will, Tad, and Bud, were having breakfast in the the kitchen and talking casually. Mabel, Pacifica, and Gideon were currently talking about last nights events with smiles and laughable moments.

"Mabel where's Dipper?" Ford asked.

"He's spending time with his boyfriend!" Mabel exclaimed and laughed when she saw her Grunkle choked a bit on his food.

Ford hit his chest a few times before regaining his breath. "Dipper has a boyfriend?! In this dimension?!" He says wide eyed with surprise.

Mabel nodded along with Gideon and Pacifica.

"He's basically dating his reverse self." Pacifica confirms pushing her plate away. She gets up and picks up the dirty plates and puts them in the sink. "It's really cute too."

Gideon thinking his face scrunched up. "Wait, since Dip is a demon, doesn't that mean he both genders? I don't think we can call Dip a girlfriend or boyfriend."

"That's right Gideon, demons don't have specific genders. Then again that leaves me to wonder who Bill's partner is." Ford says in wonder with a hand on his chin.

"Uh oh, looks like the smart train came into the station." Mabel says rolling her eyes with a grin.

Pacifica became interested at the part where Bill has a romance partner. "Do you have any idea who Bill's romance partner is?! I'm interested in hearing their love story!" Pacifica says walking back to the table.

Ford shook his head. "No idea kids, when I banished Bill, the only ones in the room were me, Bill, and Dipper who was still in his container." He responded.

"On another topic," Mabel says getting everyone's attention. "Dip Dot and his boyfriend are suppose to be here already. Did they text you Pacifica?"

Pacifica took out her cell and check for any notifications. "Nope, sorry Mabes."

"What about Tad, Will, and Bill? Do you know where they went?" Gideon asked.

"Dad said he was going into town to buy some stuff for me." Mabel says fiddling with her fingers.

Ford looked out the window that showed the entrance to the forest. "Bill and Will said they were going to get something to surprise us with."

Knock~ Knock~

"The door's open dude! Come in!" Pacifica shouts so the person out side could hear.

"What?! Pacifica! That could be a strange weirdo! More importantly, why is our front door unlocked?!" Gideon panics getting out of his chair in defensive mode.

Pacifica sighed. "It's not my fault. Uncle Bud keeps forgetting to lock the door to the shack everytime he goes out."

"H-Hello?" A quiet voice says at the kitchen door.

The group looked at the familiar figure, but he wasn't alone. Next to him was another familiar person.

"Dippers?!" The group exclaimed.

The two Dippers came into the room and they could see clearing that both of them weren't wearing their usual outfits.

Reverse Dipper wore a white long styled reverend outfit with black trimming, a black laced ribbon tie with a blue amulet hanging in the middle, and white dress shoes. His eyes glowed a light blue with stretched black pupils. Tears about to fall off his face.

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