Presents, Sleep, Protect

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+Mystery Shack: With Tyrone and Dominic+

"Ow!" Dipper sucked on his index finger.

"Dominic, want some help there?" Tyrone asked.

The other nodded. "Yes please."

The two of them are currently trying to make Bill and Will's presents. One in case the two remain kids for Christmas and the other if they turn back into adults for Christmas. Tyrone already finished making adult Will and kid Will's presents. Dominic finished the adult Bill's present, and is now currently working on kid Bill's present.

If your wondering where the two little demon kids are, they're being distracted by Soos and Wendy.

+Mystery Shack: In the Gift Shop+

"And that's how we managed to save the town from that horrible shape shifter." Wendy finished her story to the two kids.

"Wow!" Bill and Will said in awe.

Then Bill made a pout (meant to be a angry) expression. "Well I wanna tweach thwat no gwood shwape shwifter a lesson or two abwout messing with mom!" He declared punching the air.

Will sniffed. "Thwat meanie got what he deswerves."

Wendy and Soos chuckled at their comments.

"Where's mom and dad Red?" Will asked finally noticing that Dominic and Tyrone were not in the room with them anymore.

"There out getting some things little dudes. Don't worry, they'll be home soon." Soos assured them.

The yellow and blue child looked at each other both with worry.

Then the vending machine came opened up and Ford came out.

"Hey Mr. Ford! How's things going down in the lab?" Wendy asked the old man.

Ford smiled at her and held up two new invention. "Great! I even managed to make a two new invention for Mabel and Dipper's Christmas gift."

"Cool dude! What's it do?" Soos asked.

Ford walked over to the counter and set it down. "This pink one is for Mabel. It's a mini robot that helps her decided on things she wants to do, it also provides supplies for her crafts. It's like a mini servant practically." He explained and looked at the blue invention. "This invention is kinda of a puppet, for Dipper. Considering his magic skills he'll make of use of this invention the way he wants it to work."

Bill grinned at the word puppet. He absolutely loves puppets that could bend to his will. So he founded his powers on the blue puppet invention.

Said invention lifted up, with a light blue glow, and settled onto it's feet on the floor. The blue puppet stood proud and tall, walking over to Bill and Will sitting on top of the barrels they were sitting on.

"What the?!" Ford exclaimed and looked over at Bill waving his hand covered in a small blue flame. "Bill! Stop. You can't play with Dipper's present." Ford says towards the kid. The old man put his hand on th puppet's shoulder, but to his surprise the puppet flipped him over it's shoulder.

"Dude!/Mr. Ford!" The two co-workers exclaimed.

"Wou cwan 't tell me what to do!" Bill said.

Will on the other hand started tugging on Bill's arm. "Bill, pwease stop. Mom and Dad might gwet mad at you." He says to the blond child.

Bill stared at Will for a bit before getting the puppet to come over and pick them up. It carried them out of the Gift Shop and into the living room.

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