Relationship Problems

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Note: I get if you guys don't ship boyxboy, but I for one ship it. Please don't judge me, I just think it's cute.

+Mystery Shack+

"I'm asking you one last time Gideon Pines, where is he?" Dipper Gleeful demanded from the other.

Gideon shook nervously and tried to act innocent, but ended up stuttering his words. "I-I d-d-don't know who your talking about Dipper."

Dipper leaned down close to Gideon's face with a glare. "Don't try and play innocent with me. You certainly do know who I'm talking about Gideon. I over heard Will talking with Bill and some other demon that came with him." He stood straight again and look down the hall above Gideon's head.

Pacifica came to Gideon's rescue to try and stop the male Gleeful twin from finding his target. "Hey it's Dipper!" She tried to sound surprise. "What brings you here?"

"Tell me where he is Southeast." Dipper says to her, clearing running out of patience.

"Dipper, the only ones in this house are Gideon, Uncle Bud, and me. No else is here." Pacifica tone hardens.

"Hey kids, we're back~" A bright voice says.

The three kids looked towards the voice and saw three familiar figures. Bill, Will, and Tad were standing right behind them with amused looks, except for Will who looked scared seeing his master.

"If it isn't Burning Tree!~ What brings you here?" Bill says cheerfully to the reverse Dipper.

The brunet teen smirked at Bill. "I happen to hear you talking with Will a few minutes after my show. Did you happen to bring him with you?"

Bill's smile stretches on his face while Gideon and Pacifica were trying to signal him not to tell the teen. The blond demon of course never listens.

"Of course I brought PineTree with me Burning Tree! I'd be bored if he wasn't with me~ Let's go inside, I'll find him for you."

Gideon and Pacifica slapped their forehead. 'This is not gonna end well.' Both of them thought.

Dipper, walking next to Tad, looked curiously at him. "I'm guessing your Tad Strange right?" Tad look at him and nodded.

"Mabel's partner is Tad too, but he's blue." Dipper says.

"Purple is a much better color." Tad scoffs.

All of them went into the living room where Mabel and Dipper were currently hiding. Gideon and Pacifica nervously sat down on the couch together as they gazed at the tv, but they also glanced at the other occupants. Dipper Cipher wanted to speak with Gideon through telepathy, but he knew his father would instantly find him if he did. Mabel Strange kept her mouth shut and peeked through the blinds of the closet doors. She saw Reverse Dipper, her dad, and Uncle Bill surveying the room.

"Kids come out! Especially you PineTree, you've got a special guest here~" Bill's echoey voice sang.

Both demons hiding didn't move or think. Since Mabel didn't have enough training to conceal her presence, Tad found his daughter quickly. He pulled her out of the closet and into the living room.

Dipper looked at her surprised. "You're that girl we read your fortune to."

"Stella, introduce yourself to him." Tad says.

Mabel walked up to Dipper with a bright smile. "I'm Stella Lepos Strange, Tad Strange's daughter from Gravity Falls. You can call me Mabel if you like."

Dipper gave a short bow and smiled back at her. "Nice to meet you Miss Stella."

Bill furrowed his face. "PineTree's concealing his presence again." He whined.

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