Visiting Tyrone

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+Beach City: Steven's house+

Steven was already up cooking breakfast for everyone. Basically waffles, eggs, and some fruits.

Dipper woke up from the smell and opened his eyes. He found his Father embracing him again. He kissed the blond's forehead and slowly worked his way out of Bill's hold. Once he got out, Dipper went over to the counter and watched Steven finish cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning Steven." Dipper greeted the young boy.

"Morning to you too Dipper!" Steven said with a smile. He set down some food in front Dipper to eat. "Hope you like waffles!"

Dipper nodded smiling back. "Thanks." He ate up all the food given to him and he thought it was really delicious. "It's very good Steven. You're a good Cook."

"Thank you! Thanks you!" Steven says bowing like he was on tv show.

Dipper chuckled and washed his plate and set it to dry while Steven ate his plate. The brunet snapped his fingers and a little note card appeared. He walked over to Steven and handed it over to him. "Steven would you mind giving this to my Father when he wakes up?"

Steven took the card and looked at Dipper. "Sure, but what is for?" He asked.

"I'm going to my Mother's universe to visit and I don't want my Father to freak out when he sees that I'm gone." Dipper replied casually and snapped his fingers once again to change his clothes. He's now wearing black slacks, long sleeve white dress shirt, black gloves and shoes, and a black vest with a PineTree symbol over his art. His signature blue and white cap sitting on his head too.

"Alright then, I'll make sure this note get to him." He assured.

Dipper ruffles Steven's hair and created a portal to Reverse Falls in mid air. He waved to Steven and went through the portal.

+Reverse Falls: Outside the telepathy tent+

Dipper stepped out of the portal and looked around. Everything was calm and normal, customers exiting the tent with amazed looks, and Reverse Stan collecting money by the opening. He walked up to the old man and asked where he reverse self was. Stan pointed inside the tent and he went inside after thanking him.

As soon as he got through the opening of the tent he was talked by his Mother.

"Oh, D-Dominic. Your here!" Will happily says hugging him tightly.

Dominic smiled at his Mother hugging him back. "Yes Mother. I'll be returning back to Father when it gets dark." Will let go of the hug and walked Dominic into the house connected to the tent. The brunet noticed Will limp and wondered if his Mother got hurt by something. "Mother, are you okay? Your limping."

"O-Oh, um... I-It's because o-of your F-Father..." Will stutters, blushing red.

Dominic sighed. 'I should have known.' He thought slapping his forehead. "New topic, where are the twins?"

"Burning Star is with Dot, they're working on new magic tricks before the night performance for tonight. B-Burning Tree is in his room, s-sulking..." The blue head trailed off. They got up the stairs and turned down the hallway. Both came to the end of the hall and stood in front of Tyrone's room.

"Mother you go get some rest. I need to speak with Tyrone alone." Dominic says, eyes focused on the blue door.

Will nodded and kissed his son's head and left going back downstairs.

Dominic took a deep and let it out. He lifted his hand up and knocked on the door.

"Will if your trying to make me come out again, I'm freezing you." Tyrone's voice came trough the door.

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