Welcome Little Ones/ Decisions

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^^ thank you everyone for your votes, comments, and follows! I have a total of 200 hundred followers XD Thanks every I really appreciate it! Now for long awaited chapter!

*Again(sorry) Time Skip to Dominic's due date for the twins*

+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack- Outside of Dominic and Bill's room+

The time has finally come for Dominic to give birth to his babies. It was an agonizing last 6 months, but it was worth it. Everyone was gathered outside the door of Dominic and Bill's bedroom because Ford turned it into a medical room so the Twins could be born there. No one really trusted the people in the Gravity Falls' Hospital to help Dominic to deliver the kids especially since these were demon kids.

Mabel is sitting on the floor knitting lots baby stuff for the newborn(s). Stan was playing with a deck of cards over and over again. Illumi and Kryptos stood kinda worried and excited while looking at the door.

Dominic's parents? Will laid still in the comfort of his husband's chest. Bill hugged Will while running his hand through the blue locks. The blond was way too nervous every and scared so he had to distract himself by comforting his wife. The blue could hear Bill's heart thumping fast with worry. Will kissed Bill assuringly on the cheek to calm him down a bit.

"AAAAAHHHH!!!!" They heard Dominic scream.

"It's started!" Illumi says in surprise.

They all listened closely from the other side of the door hoping everything will go well.

"Come on Dominic! Push!" They heard Tyrone exclaim.

"Push Dipper, just try to stay relaxed." Ford says.

Dominic let out a few pants. "H-How *Pant* can I *pant* r-relax?! I'm g-giving *pant* birth!" He let out another strangled noise.

A few more pushes and Ford could see the head. "The head is visible! Keep going Dipper, the little guy is almost out!"

With a few more pushes the baby popped right out and Dominic tried to regain his breath for next few seconds before pushing the next baby out. Ford cut the umbilical cord, handed the bloody crying baby to Tyrone to clean up and wrap up. Tyrone looked at the time of birth, 1:15 p.m.

The baby had little tuffs of black hair on it's head with light teal blue eyes. Cute button nose with pale slightly tan skin, but leaned to a much lighter pale color. On the the baby's left collar bone is a whit colored mark of a rose.

Again, Dominic was pushing, while trying not to pass out to exhaustion. 'This is torture!' He thought.

"Be strong Dominic! Just one more!" Tyrone encouraged now cradling the clean first born twin, Blake.

Ford held the second baby's head gently while Dominic pushed. "You can do it Dipper, just a little more."

Dominic the used the last of his available strength to push the baby out. He took in deep breaths, slowly evening out, as Ford cut the umbilical cord, cleaned up the second baby, and wrapped it up giving it to Tyrone.

The second baby was born at 1:20, has black hair too with slightly yellow tips at the end of his hair. Blue eyes, with the same cute button nose as his brother, and creamy white skin. On the right side of the collar bone is a black colored mark of a rose identical to Blake's.

Tyrone went over to Dominic's side and placed the twins on each side of him. He held his boyfriend, well husband technically, hand giving a light squeeze. "We're parents Dominic."

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