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+Reverse Falls: Telepathy Tent+

"Wendy, Robbie, Tambry, Nate, Thompson, and Lee? How did you guys even get here?" Dominic asked the group. He only used their names because he couldn't come up with good nicknames for them, except for Wendy and Robbie.

All of them were currently in the living room of the Gleeful home. The 6 stalkers sat on two light blue couches in the room while Dominic and Tyrone stood before them with scolding expressions.

"Sorry Dipper. We kinda got curious of what you were up to and we ended up following you." Wendy replied to her friend rubbing the back of her neck.

Dominic sighed and facepalmed at their dumb decision. "I could've left you here without even knowing and you guys would've been trapped here for who know how long." He said in a worried tone, he almost sounded like a mom.

The 6 felt bad that they caused Dipper some trouble and mumbled sorries to the teen.

The teen demon shook his head. "Well since you guys are here until I go home, I might us well introduce you some people here." He placed a hand on Tyrone's shoulder and smiled. "This is my reverse self, Dipper Gleeful. His real name is Tyrone, if your wondering why I call him that." He introduced his boyfriend.

"Hm." Tyrone hummed. "Nice to meet you I guess. I'm, as Dominic said, Dipper Gleeful. You guys can call me by my last name. I'm also Dominic's boyfriend."

Dominic blushed and playfully punched Tyrone on the shoulder causing Tyrone to smile a bit.

Wendy got up from the couch and walked over to the Gleeful giving him her hand to shake. "I'm Wendy, but I guess you already knew that."

"Yeah, I ran into your reverse self earlier." Tyrone said and shook Wendy's hand. "Not really a friendly meeting, but I can tell you get the point." He could actually relax in the original Wendy's presence rather than the reverse one.

Dominic liked how Tyrone was already accepting the people from Gravity Falls. He smiled at the thought of Dipper trying to get along with the original Gideon and Pacifica.

Will came into the room setting down some drinks on the table.

"This person here is Will Cipher, my Mother. Other words my Father's Wife, he's a demon too. He's my Father's reverse self." Dominic said introducing his Mother to the others.

"Whoa man! That's awesome." Nate says amazed.
The group of six got to know Will and Tyrone while they relax in the living room while they watched tv. Once Will heard Dominic say that Bill was sulking at home because he left again, the blue demon counterpart went to go talk to Bill again. Having to talk to Bill about giving his son some privacy and freedom sometimes.

A while later reverse Mabel came in holding a letter.

"Hello dear sister." Tyrone greeted her when he saw her walk into the room.

"Hello to you too brother dearest." She greeted back unexpressively.

Wendy and her friends noted that Reverse Mabel was just like Reverse Dipper.

Tyrone gestured to his twin and started introducing her. "This is my twin sister, Mabel Gleeful. She's my partner in the Tent of Telepaty show. The Reverse version of your Mabel or Stella."

"So does me like, you two are evil just like that Gideon kid in our universe?" Robbie asked.

"Yes, so?." The Twins replied neutral expression.

The older teens could only silently stare at them awkwardly.

Mabel walked over to Dominic and handed him a letter enclosed by a little light blue heart shape sticker. "Mind giving this to your cousin Stella for me?" She asked looking away from her twin's counterpart.

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