+Mystery Shack: Living Room+
Everyone, but Dominic, the baby twins, Tyrone, Illumi, and Kryptos, sat in the room either watching TV or playing cards with each other.
Ford being curious after Dominic gave birth asked Bill some questions.
"Bill, how come Dipper was able to give birth like a normal human woman would? I mean, when I saw Dipper for the first time, he was born from a container in the mindscape." The old man asked.
Bill hummed while hugging Will in his lap. "A lot of things happened in the past Sixer. Moments that were filled with danger and betrayal. Will here was suppose to give birth to Dominic, but things happened. I can't really describe it, but I could show you."
Tad being curious himself cut in. "How would you do that?"
Bill tapped his head with a grin. "You'll have to visit my memories in my mind Tad. I keep memories of the past with Will and PineTree behind one door, it's kinda hard to find, so Will is gonna have to guide you." The blond felt his wife stiffen a bit. He leaned over to whisper somethings the others couldn't hear, seeing Will ease a bit.
Mabel tugged her Dad's black shirt to get his attention. Tad looked at her telling her she now has his attention. "Can I come too Dad?"
"Stella, I think it would be better if you stayed. I'm sure Sapling and Tyrone might need some help with the twins when they wake up." Tad told her calmly.
Mabel didn't protest going with them and decided to go upstairs to check on the sleeping pair and their kids.
Will got up from Bill's lap and fumbled with his fingers as Bill laid himself across the couch. The blue demon put his husband to sleep so it would be easier to access the mind. "Is everyone ready to go?"
Stan, Ford, and Tad nodded.
Will transported them into Bill's Mindscape.
+Bill's Mindscape+
The three arrivals, plus Will, arrived in a few seconds.
Ford and the other two noticed the difference from the last time they visited Bill's Mindscape when he was unstable. Now that he is stable, the place looked more normal setting. A large gold mansion, green flooring of grass, black sky filled with stars, and few light clouds roaming above.
"Well at least we're in his head while he's stable." Stan says following Will into the gold mansion.
The three adults roamed through the halls and passages ways that Will was leading them trough. Some passages had riddles and codes needed to be answered to pass. They finally got to an end of a empty halls way.
"Um Will, we've hit a dead end." Tad told his brother's wife.
Will shook his head and walked through the yellow brick patterned wall. It surprised the three, but they followed along anyways. Phasing through to the other side, they saw a different place. The blue demon watching two others through an open door of the darken hallway.
"Will?" Ford asked as they walked over to his side to watch what Will was watching.
Tad, Stan, and Ford saw memory Bill and Will sitting on a bed together cuddling. Memory Will's stomach had a slight baby bump to it.
"What's happaning?" Stan asked not understanding the scene before them.
Will sighed a bit before explaining. "Back then, after Bill and I became husband and wife, we recently decided to help a cult that had formed a few miles away from Reverse Falls. Right now the both of us are resting in a room inside their base. I was pregnant with our Son during the time too as you could see." He told the three as he walked through the door. Ford, Tad, and Stan followed him in, door closing behind them.

Bill Cipher's Son
FanfictionBill wanted someone to care for and share his knowledge with, just between the two of them. But Bill never wanted a lover, being a demon was an advantage because they were a mix of both genders. Then when it's almost time for the baby to come, Stanf...