Dangerous Game

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

"Hey PineTree! Let's play a game!" Illumi cheerfully exclaimed, tugging on Dipper's arm.

Said boy nodded and followed along his Aunt's pull towards the living room. Mabel happened to be in the room too watching Ducktective.

"Hey Shooting Star..." Dipper greeted his cousin.

Mabel smiled at him happily. "Hey Dip Dot! What's up?"

Dipper shrugged his shoulders and glanced at his Aunt who was trying to pull something out of a small portal she probably made. "Just having some bonding experience with Aunt Illumi. She seemed really happy about it when I agreed."

"Auntie Illumi, can I hangout with you guys too?" Mabel chirped and jumping out of her chair. She also wanted to get to know her aunt too.

"Sure sweetie pie! Just, wait one sec-" She gave a tug trying to get something from the portal. "Almost-" Illumi gave one finally tug and pulled a big white box out.

Their Aunt landed on her butt with the box sitting on her lap, while the portal closed itself.

Dipper helped Illumi up and Mabel picked the box off of her.

Mabel looked at the cover and read it aloud. "Collect! Find! Discover! Journey though a virtual reality and see if you can survive. The only way out is if someone from the outside awakens you." The brunet tilted her head to the side in confusion, she also got a bad feeling from the game. "I don't think we should play the game Auntie Illumi."

Illumi laughs and takes the game from Mabel's hands. "Don't read to much into it sweetie pie! I heard from the game shop that this is a popular game at the moment." She rips open the cover and takes out two helmets. "I thought there would be more helmets..."

Dipper looked in the box and pulled out a piece of paper with two instructions on it. It said:

1: don't play the game!
2: if you ignored the first warning, at least make sure there is someone who can wake you up from the game.

"I've made up my mind. As an awesome Aunt, I'll let let you two play the game together first!" Illumi stood up and put the helmets on Dipper and Mabel's head.

Dipper wearing the black helmet and Mabel wore the white one. On the side of the helmet were buttons and a flashing orange light.

"Is this even safe?" Dipper asked a little nervous on the inside.

"Yeah, It's totally safe!" Illumi says waving her hand.

Mabel and Dipper rolled their eye(s) at the woman. "Your crazy."

"So? I should care because?" She questioned, causing both cousins chuckled. Illumi set them both on the armchair and made sure the functions of the helmet were working fine. "Ready?"

The cousins nodded and Illumi turned on the switch on the helmets at the same time.

The two young demons met darkness.

+Still in the Shack- 4 hours later+

Illumi watched the teens who were still in a silent and unmoving state. She glanced at the white instructions note and picked it up. She glared at the words on the paper and if those words were alive they would be dead.

Tad and Ford walked into the room seeing Illumi glaring at the piece of paper, and Dipper and Mabel wearing weird helmets on their heads sleeping.

"Illumi, what are on my daughter and nephew's head?" Tad asked crossing his arms over his chest.

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