Nice to meet you Dad! I love you Father.

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

Everyone in the room stared between the two of them. Mabel and Tad looked at one another in wonder.

Bill stood up and went up to his son. "Sapling, Tad never told me he had a child, no less that I'm a uncle too."

Dipper looked at his Father and started to explain to him about Tad having a daughter. "I'm not sure why Uncle Tad didn't tell you he had a kid, but his daughter was born 11 minutes after I was born. He left the room to get some stuff for her and when he came back she was missing from her crib."

Bill once again looked at his brother who had tears pooling at the corner of his eyes ready to fall.

Tad had a lot of questions racing through his mind. His daughter was right infront of him and he was about to cry. Ever since that day, he really truly wished to see daughter and wanted to look for her all these years ever since she was born. Now look where he was, right here standing in front of his missing daughter.

"My Stella..." He said in a quiet shaky voice.

Mabel also had many questions she wanted to ask and have answered too. Like 'How did she end up in the Pines family?' Or 'Is this really true?'. She was speechless and didn't know what to do or react. Mabel kept her eyes on Tad's form.

Stan and Ford were very surprised that Mabel was also a demon child like Dipper and to Bill's brother too! Ford decided to get up from the couch and call Mabel's "parents" get them to explain to him how they had Mabel. Stan stayed on the couch to fill Ford in later about what happens while he was out of the room.

"Shooting Star..." Bill said to the brunette getting her attention.

Mabel turned her head to glance at Bill.

"I know if this is too much for you, but are you okay with this? Knowing that you were born a demon?" Bill asked.

Mabel gave it a little thought and smiled brightly to everyone in the room. "I'm total fine with it Bill! Omg this is so awesome!" Yup, she was defiantly a shooting star alright. Radiant, bright, positive, cheerful, active, and accepting.

Dipper and Bill smiled at her.

Mabel turned back to her Dad, tears now running down his cheeks. She smiled and put her hands to his face wiping away the tears with her thumbs. "Hahaha! Dad, there's no need to cry. You should be smiling ya know! You finally found me!" The teen says grinning up at her Dad.

Tad looked at her and gave her a happy loving smile. "My Stella, my daughter... I've missed you so much and had tried to look for you, but there were so many thing stopping me from doing so." He took Mabel into a tight hug afraid she might disappear again. "17 years later I find you here. I'm so happy, I have my daughter back with me."

Mabel returned the tight hug with a warm smile against her Dad's shoulder. "I'm glad to know my real Dad loves me very much and tried to look for me."

Bill placed his hands on Dipper shoulder and gave them a little squeeze. Dipper glanced up as his father and smiled seeing the blond was happy for his brother. He put his right hand on top of his fathers left one on his shoulder.

"Hey Father?"

"Yes Sapling?"

"Were Lights ever called something else?"


"What was it?"

"Amissis Liberis, in Latin it means Lost Children."

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