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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

"Look Bill, all I want is for Dipper to trust us again. I hurt him and I want to say I'm sorry and all the other sad junk!" Mabel says waving her arms in the air.

Bill let out a frustrated sigh. "Shooting Star, all I want is for is for PineTree to stay away from the Pines Family. It's because of you guys that PineTree's emotionally hurt and not taken care of."

"We didn't know it would turn out that way Cipher. The Pines Family still accepts Dipper, no matter what, as family." Ford says looking at the red man.

Bill shook his head furiously and stood up. He and Ford continued to bicker at each other over Dipper with glares.

Mabel stood over to the side where Tad was sitting and watching them.

"Hello Shooting Star." Tad greeted.

Mabel did a little jump and looked at the man curiously. "Um hi. Who are you?"

"I'm Tad Strange, I'm Bill's brother and PineTree's Uncle." The purple headed man replied calmly as he stared at Mabel. There was a familiar presence in this one, he could feel it.

"Then it's nice to meet you, um... What should I call you?"

"Tad is fine dear."

"Nice meet you Tad."

+Upstairs in the Attic with Dipper+

Dipper went up the steps into his room for two months and looked around. Nothing has really changed except for the added bed and nightstand.

"Still the old run down room I remember. I need to bring my room here." Dipper said to himself.

With a wave from his hand the room transformed into his room in the mindscape. After checking out to see if everything was maintained properly, he popped himself onto his single bed.

Taking out his journal, he continued to write notes about the supernaturals and spells that his Father had taught him.

~knock ~knock

Dipper looked at the PineTree shape door and walked over to open it.

He saw Stan looking up at him, being a 17 year old boy, Dipper had grown tall for his age. Stan's height was at the teen's shoulders.

"Why are you here Fez?"

"I just wanted to talk to you kid...." Stan started out while rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Look, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for lying to you and your sister all the summer 4 years ago, and for all the mean things I told you to do that I do not regret telling you. It was to make you tough and stronger for the future. I know I haven't very honest with you two, but I've changed. I promise I'll be honest with you if you ask me anything while your staying here. I just wanted to tell you that." Stan says and was about to walk away, but a pull on the shoulder stopped him. When he turned around to face Dipper he was already behind his bedroom door. So he walked away again with one last glance at the door before heading down the stairs.

Dipper on the other hand was sitting at the foot of his bedroom door, burying his head into his arms and cupping his mouth. He cried in that position for awhile. "Grunkle Stan..."

He didn't stop until a few minutes later, going to bathroom and washing his face. Retieing his eyepatch, he went out of his room and headed downstairs towards the living room to see how his Father and Uncle were doing. Turning around the corner he could hear loud clashes of words between his Father and Ford about him. Peeking into the living room he saw Mabel and Tad getting to know each other, and to Dipper it seemed like they were comfortable with each other. He smiled at that, at least he knows that his Uncle and former sister will get along and not try to fight like his Father and Ford.

Bill Cipher's SonWhere stories live. Discover now