Chapter 3: Discovering

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Tsuna blinked before flipping to the side, closing his lunch box as he dodged a steel tonfa.  The brunet smiled softly before glancing upwards; he was currently on one of the roofs of the school, cloud-gazing.  But he didn't expect a past terror to be also cloud-gazing on the same roof.
Tsuna knew not to be familiar to the skylark until you had gained the other's respect, which wasn't right then.
Hibari Kyoya, Tsuna's ex-Cloud Guardian, let a blood-thirsty smirk crawl over his face; a glint entering his eyes.
"You were late again, herbivore..."
Tsuna laughed and smiled sheepishly, rubbing the nape of his neck.
"Maa, my fault!  Sorry Hibari-san."
Kyoya blinked in surprise, observing the brunet closer.
'The herbivore accepts the fact that he was late...and the way he's almost like a carnivore.' "I will bite you to death."
What the skylark didn't expect, though, was the fact that Tsuna suddenly...disappeared?
"Hey...can't we solve this problem without violence, Hibari-san?"
Kyoya widened his eyes slightly and whipped his head around to face Tsuna, who was smiling cheerfully, hands in his pockets.  The skylark swiped his remaining tonfa at the brunet, who leaned backwards to dodge the attack.
Tsuna crouched down and retaliated with a kick, which the other blocked, causing the brunet to grin.
Kyoya smirked.
Tsuna laughed in turn, dodging another swipe as he brought his fisted hands up into his familiar fighting stance.
"Eh~me?  A carnivore?"
They dashed at each other.  Tsuna jumped over Kyoya, flipping in the air before giving a drop-kick to the other.  The skylark blocked it as Tsuna used the tonfa as a step-up, skidding a few meters away before stopping.
This time, Kyoya went onto the offensive, throwing his tonfa at the other before picking up his other tonfa from the cracked ground.  As Tsuna caught the the tonfa, the brunet adjusted it to his hold, feeling the familiar touch of metal flush against his forearm; he smiled.
'It reminds me of the time when Kyoya made me spar with him; I was able to grab one of his tonfas from him.'
Tsuna raised the tonfa to block Kyoya's, causing the skylark's smirk to widen.  The brunet sidestepped the next swipe and spin-kicked in retaliation, earning solid contact with the skylark's gut.
Kyoya skidded back a few meters, crouching down as he held his stomach; Tsuna blinked in surprise.
'I might've put too much strength into that one...'
Kyoya quickly stood up, spitting some blood to the side; Tsuna sweat-dropped.
'Or not...Kyoya is a demon among demons...but he's not the spawn of Satan, hahaha!'
It was at that moment the bell rang, sounding the end of lunch.  Tsuna sighed, walking over to Kyoya, giving back the other's tonfa and a quick ruffle of the hair, which he had to quickly jump back to dodge an embarrassed swipe of the tonfa.
Tsuna chuckled before waving as he walked towards the roof stairs, grinning widely.
"Let's spar another time, Hibari-san."
Tsuna blinked in surprise.  Kyoya, in turn, scowled, even though there was a tint of embarrassment on his face.
"Call me Kyoya, Carnivore."
Tsuna grinned, eye-smiling at the other.
"Sure thing, Kyoya-kun!  I'll spar you when you want to, 'Kay?"
"Hn." (Fine.)
Tsuna gave one last smile, but it was filled with a sort of wistfulness, confusing the skylark slightly.
"I'll spar you another time, Kyoya--is that okay with you?"
"Hn.  You better keep your word, Little One."
"Haha, right!  By the way...I'm only a few inches shorter than you!"
Smirk. "Hn...I was only comparing you to the little animals that can survive--like carnivores."
Pout. "Why can't I just be a carnivore?"
The smirk widens. "It's because you're small."
"Aaah!  This is about my height!  Why you--!"
Tsuna sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"See you next time..."
The brunet walked down the stairs, leaving a bemused Kyoya behind.
"Hn...Sawada Tsunayoshi...who are you?"

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