Chapter 29: Overcasting

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"Grr...Baka-Reborn, Baka-Colonello, Baka-Lal...sniff..."
Tsuna blinked in surprise as he spotted a familiar baby dressed in purple, and he made his way over to him; the brunet was currently alone at the moment.
The baby stilled and looked up at Tsuna with surprise.
Tsuna smiled softly as he crouched down, gently touching the other's swollen cheek.
"Stai bene?" (Are you alright?)
Skull blinked his eyes in surprise as he saw Sun flames slowly heal his small injury.
"S-Sì..." (Y-Yes...)
Tsuna smiled once more as he picked the other up, along with the purplenet's helmet.
"You must be Skull-kun, yes?"
The said baby blinked his eyes in surprise.
"How do you know me?"
"Reborn-kun told me about you. The Immortal Biker, Skull, from Hell, right?"
Skull seemed to brighten up at the title and puffed his chest out slightly.
"That's right!" He tilted his head curiously. "But who are you?"
Tsuna chuckled.
"My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi; you can call me Tsuna."
"Nice ta' meet ya' Tsuna!"
Skull told Tsuna about every stunt he could do, and the brunet listened intently--much to the other's joy.
The daredevil decided that Tsuna was a great person--someone who would listen to him, care for him, and not bully him.
Tsuna went to buy some coffee and asked what the other wanted; Skull simply ordered a fruit smoothie.
The two sipped their drinks; Skull began to rant about the sadistic, spartan trio--Reborn, Colonello, and Lal.
"They're so mean to me!" A thought came to the daredevil. "Ah! I'll show them in my trial!"
Skull placed a hand under his chin as thought about his plan.
"I'll need to see Viper then...I could probably get that scary boy and that pineapple-head to fight the Decimo!"
Skull flashed a grin to Tsuna before putting his helmet on.
"Thanks for the smoothie, Tsuna! I'll see you later!"
The brunet chuckled as he watched the baby daredevil grow smaller and smaller as he went off to search for Viper.
"Good luck, Skull-kun..."
<<(Kokuyo Building)>>
Tsuna sat in a tree as he observed his two ex-Guardians and Hito; his ex-Mist and ex-Cloud were glaring at Hito before turning on each other, attacking.
Tsuna chuckled when he saw Skull panic in his hiding spot.
"Why are they attacking each other? They should be attacking the Decimo!"
Viper simply grunted and started to fade away.
"I did what you asked of me. I'm leaving."
Mammon was already gone.
Tsuna sighed as he watched Skull's henchmen start to attack Kyoya and Mukuro--the two Guardians easily defeated them.
Skull then revealed himself and attacked Hito with his octopus partner, Oodako.
Chikusa and Ken ended up coming out of Kokuyo to search for Chrome and found Mukuro instead; Mukuro ordered the two to take care of the henchmen while he and Kyoya would battle without any interruptions.
Chikusa and Ken easily took care of the henchmen as Hito fought with Oodako.
A bit worried for his Guardians, Hito ended his battle with Oodako by firing a quick X-Burner at its face, sending the octopus into the forest, crashing into a few trees.
Hito quickly flew into the forest and spotted his Guardians; he landed in between them and spoke in a cold tone.
"Stop this childishness."
Kyoya and Mukuro blinked in surprise before smirking amusedly, stopping their fight.
Hito gazed at both of them evenly before getting out of HDW mode; he promised Kyoya with a fight and told Mukuro that he he was probably exhausting Chrome.
The two Guardians slowly lost their fighting spirit and consented to Hito's wishes; the blonde sighed in relief before glancing around.
"Eh? Where did Skull go?"
"Mwahahaha! The great Skull-sama is up here!"
Everyone turned their heads and blinked their eyes in surprise when they spotted a familiar brunet carrying the Cloud Arcobaleno in his arms while hopping out of the tree.
Tsuna gave a bright smile as he walked up to them.
Tsuna gave a stern look to three spartans--'Don't hurt Skull-kun'--before setting the daredevil down.
Skull walked up to Hito and huffed.
"Hold out your ring! I'll give you my seal, since I approve of your charisma."
Hito did as he was told and watched a purple beam of light touch his ring.
The ex-Decimo smiled brightly.
"That's two seals already, Hito-kun. Good job."
The blonde blushed at the praise, rubbing the nape of his neck with embarrassment; Mukuro was looking at Tsuna with interest.
"Oya, oya? I don't believe we've met properly before."
Tsuna chuckled as he turned to face the indigonet, extending a hand out to the other.
"Sawada Tsunayoshi. It's nice to meet you."
Mukuro laughed eerily.
"Kufufu~Rokudo Mukuro. Likewise, Tsunayoshi."
Mukuro shook Tsuna's hand, and he blinked in surprise upon contact; the indigonet narrowed his eyes slightly.
"You are..."
Tsuna whispered into the other's ear.
"Please do not say it. They do not know yet."
The brunet smiled and released the other's hand, briefly ruffling indigo locks.
"It was nice meeting you, Mukuro-kun, but I think Chrome-chan would like to relax for now."
Mukuro shook off his stupor and gazed at Tsuna with curiosity and...concern?
Mist slowly started to surround the indigonet, and he was replaced by Chrome, who stumbled into Tsuna's arms; Chrome blushed as she looked up into the brunet's eyes.
Tsuna chuckled as he steadied the girl; Hito hesitantly walked over to Chrome and offered onigiri to her, which was what he came to do at Kokuyo when he arrived earlier.
Chrome shyly accepted and thanked the other.
Tsuna smiled at the sight; he frowned mentally.
'Mukuro found out so easily...' The brunet glanced to the side and found 3 pairs of eyes gazing at him sharply. 'Looks like they're getting suspicious...'

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