Chapter 9: Assessing Pt. 1

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For a moment, no one moved as they stared at Tsuna warily.
There was a small smile on the brunet's face--but he still looked dangerous.
Suddenly, Kyoya dashed at Tsuna, tonfa aimed for the brunet's stomach.
Right when the tonfa reached a millimeter from Tsuna's stomach, the brunet disappeared.
Kyoya blinked in slight confusion, whipping his head around.
And then he felt a weight on his head; he looked up slightly through his bangs.
There, Tsuna was smirking slightly, doing a handstand on the skylark's head; one hand was in his pocket.
Before Kyoya could swipe a blow at him, Tsuna flipped out of the way and landed in a crouch.
The brunet slowly straightened himself up.
"Kyoya-kun, your speed is okay--your strength also--but it's bad to fight your opponent alone." Tsuna's smirk widened slightly. "Especially when you do not know the full strength of the other."
Kyoya narrowed his gaze, but he begrudgingly accepted the fact that the other was right--though he despised getting help from others.
Tsuna turned to look at the others on the side.
"Well, I told you that I would assess all of you--don't make come after you because that won't be pretty~!"
They shivered slightly before going into their fighting stances.
While all of this was happening, Reborn was smirking amusedly, sipping a cup of espresso.
'So this is my student in another world?  Not bad...'
Hayato growled before lighting his bombs, tossing twelve at Tsuna.
The brunet gazed at them blankly and watched them fall on the ground around him.
Yet...he made no move.
Hayato and the others were gaping slightly.
'What the heck is he doing!?  He'll get blown up!'
But it was then that Hayato noticed something odd about his bombs; the fuses were no longer burning.
Once everyone noticed that, Tsuna's smirk returned as the brunet picked up one of the unlit bombs on the ground.
"Your eyes have yet to adjust..."
Hayato growled and threw more bombs at Tsuna; the ex-Decimo grinned.
"...Shall I go slower for you?"
His hand was a blur--his other hand was still in his pocket--as he unlit every single bomb; the explosives fell harmlessly to the floor.
The brunet's hand was unharmed as he dusted it on the front of his suit.
Suddenly, there was a glint of metal at his side; he stepped backwards and let a sword pass through.
Takeshi gave a small smile.
"Eh~you avoided it!"
Tsuna smiled in return before stepping back to avoid another swing of the sword.
The swordsman then swung down at Tsuna's head; the brunet caught the blade between his index and middle finger.
'Hm...Takeshi-kun is using the blunt side of his blade.  Always merciful--even to his enemies.'
Tsuna smiled softly before pushing the other off; the brunet flipped backwards and landed in a crouch.
Suddenly, the ex-Decimo tilted his head slightly and let a trident pass through from behind; the sharp points dug into the ground.
Tsuna looked on the other side of his shoulder to see Chrome, who looked slightly surprised.
The brunet smiled.
"Good job in using your Mist flames to hide yourself, but you still have a long ways to go, Chrome-chan."
Chrome quickly disappeared and reappeared a few meters away from Tsuna, studying the other closely.
Tsuna got up from his crouch and ducked his head to avoid a kick from Ryohei.
'Well, he improved in not shouting his attacks too much...but...'
The brunet grabbed Ryohei's leg with one hand and threw him in the direction of Hayato; the silveret managed to catch the other.
Tsuna smiled at Ryohei, who had spirals spinning in his eyes.
"Good job, Ryohei-kun.  All you need to do now is pull your attacks back faster now, so your opponent won't be able to grab you--like I did before."
Ryohei shook of his stupor and nodded, grinning widely before blinking his eyes in surprise and realization.
It was then that everyone noticed that Tsuna had yet to use both of his hands to fight them.
Slowly, Tsuna turned to look at the last person who had yet to attack him.
Reborn smirked as he held a smoking Leon-gun.
Takehito slowly stood up, an orange flame burst to life on his forehead; his sky-blue eyes turned to a bright, sunset-orange.
Hito took a slow, calm breath, studying Tsuna closely.
The ex-Decimo smiled softly and tapped his shoe on the ground.
"Are you ready, Hito-kun?"
"Hai, Sawada-Sensei."

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