Chapter 42: Bombarding

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"You shouldn't smoke."
"I'm already dead."
"Then it's your second chance to be more healthy."
G sighed out another cloud of smoke before tossing it onto the ground, using his shoe to put it out.
"Happy now?"
Tsuna chuckled.
G huffed and resisted the urge to pull out another cigarette.
"The brat's still the same."
Tsuna's eyes grew slightly distant.
G sighed once more, running a hand through his pink--
(G- Change it. ( ̄+ー ̄))
(O.D.D.- H-Hai... _;))
--red locks.
"I'll test the brat today." G jabbed a finger at Tsuna, scowling slightly. "Don't get into trouble!"
The brunet chuckled, waving a hand in the air.
"Yes, Mother."
G huffed before disappearing in a burst of red flames.
"Uri!  Get back here!"
Tsuna watched with slight amusement as Hayato searched through the bushes for his box weapon.
The said cat was actually sitting on his lap, purring contently.
Tsuna chuckled, running a hand through her fur.
The Uri of this world didn't know Tsuna, but she still felt some sort of deep connection with him.
The Vongola Version X Storm Belt was inside Tsuna's bag at the moment, glowing slightly in response of being close to a similar Storm flame.
Tsuna felt a familiar Storm flame settle onto his shoulder.
"Konichiwa, Tsunayoshi-kun."
"Konichiwa, Fon-kun."
The three heard Hayto swear again; they sighed softly.
"I hope he passes."
"An imposter!?"
Tsuna watched from afar as Hayato finally confronted G, who was disguised as the silveret; Hito looked between the two with shock.
G revealed his true form and told how Hayato didn't deserve to be Hito's right-hand man.
Hayato was visibly discouraged, and Hito stepped forward.
"I...don't want a right-hand man."
The silveret flinched.
"...But I want...Hayato-kun to be my friend."
Hayato lifted his head and blinked his eyes in surprise; Hito smiled nervously and scratched his cheek.
On the side, G was still observing them.
Hayato then brightened up and grinned before turning a determined gaze to G.
"I am...Juu--no, Hito-sama's friend.  I won't listen to you--I'll stay by his side and watch over him as a vow of a friend."
Slowly, a smile appeared on G's face; the redhead chuckled.
"Gokudera have passed my test."
The silveret blinked in surprise as G continued to speak.
"Being the Storm Guardian isn't all about being a right-hand man--you must be the Storm that never leaves the Sky's side just because of a simple position.  The Sky and its elements are friends and one big family.  Don't forget that, brat."
G smirked as he was surrounded by Storm flames; a bit broke off and entered Hayato's box weapon.
The Storm flames disappeared....before reappearing next to Tsuna, who was quite a distance away from the group.
"Someone's happy."
G huffed and crossed his arms, masking his prideful face with a scowl; Tsuna chuckled.
"The brat did well is all.  Nothing more, nothing less."
"You're proud of him."
G grumbled, muttering something about 'demonic intuition' and 'nothing gets past this kid'.
The day ended with another, orange sunset.

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