Chapter 44: Guiding

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"How are you and Elena doing?"
"Nufufufu~just fine.  She's not raging at me anymore for fighting you guys in your past life."
Tsuna chuckled.
"'Hell hath seen no fury like women scorned'?"
Daemon shivered.
Tsuna sighed softly as he gazed at the teens below; Kyoko, Haru and I-pin were currently looking for Chrome.
"You won't hurt Chrome-chan badly, right?"
"Nufufufu~I'll still be the 'bad guy', but I won't be too mean like last time."
Spade turned his head to look at the other; he heard a slight sad tone in the brunet's voice.
Tsuna was looking at the sky, looking at the mist that was concealing it; it was morning, but you couldn't really tell then.
"Chrome-chan...was the first of the go...and Mukuro was never the same."
The brunet laughed bitterly.
"And she did it to save her useless boss..."
Daemon looked at the other with sympathy.
The brunet merely shook his head, sighing softly.
"All's in the past now.  I must look to the present for them."
Daemon gazed at the other for a while longer before sighing; he disappeared in a glow of Mist flames.
"Make sure to take your pills, Tsunayoshi-kun."
"Hai, hai..."
Tsuna watched from the trees as Hito and his Guardians entered the Kokuyo building; he finally came out of hiding and landed beside the Arcobaleno that were there.
The babies--except Reborn--blinked in surprise; the baby hitman hopped onto his shoulder and placed a tiny hand on the brunet's neck, discreetly checking his pulse.
"Where were you Tsuna?"
"Ah, I was--"
Reborn hopped off in time as Giotto suddenly appeared out of nowhere and tackled Tsuna into a bear hug.
The rest of the Primo Guardians appeared--although Daemon was currently inside the building--sweatdropping at the blonde--but of course Alaude stayed stoic.
The Arcobaleno stared at the two with bewilderment as G facepalmed.
"Giotto!  You're not supposed to do that!  You just blew Tsuna's cover in front of the Arcobaleno!"
The blonde blinked in surprise and released Tsuna and stood up instantly, dusting his suit off as he put on a stoic expression; G slapped Giotto's head.
"Don't act like nothing happened!"
Giotto groaned and rubbed the sore spot, pouting at the redhead.
"I can't help it!  He's my adorable grandson!"
"What in the world are you guys talking about!?"
Skull along with the rest of the Arcobaleno--except Reborn--stared at the First Generation with shock; Viper only knew that Tsuna was sick--not the fact that he was from a parallel world.
Tsuna glowered at Giotto for a few seconds before turning to the babies.
"I can explain.  Reborn, can you back me up?"
"Nope.  You're on your own."
"Why you--"
"Just joking.  Of course I'd help you, Baka."
Tsuna sighed, rubbing the temples of his head.
"You little sadist..."
Reborn merely smirked.
It took a few minutes--Tsuna left out the facts about his condition--and the Arcobaleno were able to understand the situation completely; the mysterious actions of the brunet had all fit perfectly together.
Verde pushed his glasses upwards.
"...Where are your Guardians now?"
Tsuna's smile became bland.
The Arcobaleno froze--once again, except Reborn--as they gazed at Tsuna with shock.
'To see his Guardians up and about without breaking down....he has so much will...'
Tsuna smiled sadly at the babies.
"Can't stay depressed for long.  I would've said that to my Guardians if I died in their place."
Reborn was back on Tsuna's shoulder; the hitman tugged his fedora down and sighed softly, suddenly yanking at a few strands of brown locks.
"Ouch!  Reborn--!"
"You can trust these guys--I know I can.  You could've told them before."
The brunet blinked owlishly as Colonello grinned, jumping onto Tsuna's head.
"Yeah, kora!  We can help you out, kora."
The others nodded in agreement--although Verde and Mammon merely grunted.
Tsuna gazed at them with surprise before chuckling softly.
"Ah.  Arigatou."
" pass my test, Rokudo Mukuro."
"Kufufufu~just get your a** out of here.  I'll kill you for hurting Nagi."
"Nufufu, ungrateful brat."
"M-Mukuro-san...please stop."
The said indigonet sighed as he twirled his trident around; Hito sweatdropped on the side.
"Humph.  Just keep caring for Chrome, Vongola."
Tsuna entered the room with most of the Arcobaleno on him.
Mukuro blinked in surprise at the sight of the other and smirked.
"Kufufufu~it's nice to see you again, Sawada Tsunayoshi." The indigonet frowned at the sight of slight bags under the brunet's eyes. "...How are you?"
The brunet ignored the other concerned gazes directed at him; Tsuna smiled softly at the other.
"Just fine, Mukuro-kun."
The indigonet gazed at the other for a while longer before his form started to become fuzzy; Mukuro sighed before looking at the other.
"...I'll see you later, Tsunayoshi."
He was then replaced by Chrome, who was quickly caught by Hito, who was standing nearby.
Giotto and the other Primo Guardians appeared in the room.
The blonde looked at Hito blankly as the teen gulped.
'Will he ask me to fight him?'
Hito gripped his hands into fists as he looked up determinedly at Giotto.
Slowly, Giotto's mouth formed into a soft smile--much like Tsuna's, Hito idly noted.
"Tachibana pass my test."
The teen blinked in surprise and gapped; Giotto chuckled.
'His reaction was just like Tsunayoshi-kun's...' "Through everyone's trials, you have shown me your leadership, your kindness, and above all--your heart."
Giotto glanced at Daemon and the other Primo Guardians.
"With this...we conclude the Inheritance Trials."
The Primo Guardians were slowly surrounded by their respective flame element.
Daemon and Giotto were the last to go; pieces of their flames entered Chrome's and Hito's boxes.
"Take care, Vongola Decimo." 'Including you, Tsunayoshi-kun.'
The brunet heard the unspoken words and merely smiled to himself.
When everyone was settled, Tsuna broke the silence.
"Neh~Mina!  How about I treat you guys for dinner.  Chrome-chan will come too with Ken-kun and Chikusa-kun--no exceptions."
"H-Hai/Yosh/EXTREME/Tch/Hn/O-Okay/As long as you're paying."
Tsuna grinned at their responses.
"Let's go then!"
The Primo Guardians watched from above; Giotto smiled softly along with the others.
"A Sky will always be a matter where they are..."

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