Chapter 10: Assessing Pt. 2

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Hito dashed at Tsuna with a boost of Sky flames in his step.
The blonde suddenly appeared behind Tsuna and used his elbow to try and attack the brunet.
Tsuna caught the elbow before lashing out with a side-kick.
Hito grunted before pulling his elbow back and dodging to the side to avoid the kick.
The blonde quickly distanced himself from Tsuna, who was smiling brightly.
"Nice speed there. I guess I'll have to get a teansy bit serious..."
Hito tensed up and lowered his stance, watching Tsuna closely as the brunet ran a hand through his hair.
Tsuna shut his sunset-orange eyes and sighed softly.
After a few seconds, the ex-Decimo dropped his hand to his side and slowly opened his eyes.
They were a glowing purple.
Everyone widened their eyes in surprise.
Seeing their expressions, Tsuna smiled amusedly.
"Not exactly," 'Did he just read our minds?' "I'm a multi-flame-user."
The brunet lifted his right hand and lit six of the seven Sky flames; he didn't activate his Sky flames to avoid further surprise.
Everyone's jaws dropped out of shock, sans Kyoya and Reborn.
Tsuna's glowing, lavender eyes narrowed slightly as he ran his hand through his brown locks once more.
"Try again, Hito-kun. Things are about to get...serious."
Tsuna disappeared from view.
Using his Hyper Intuition, Hito jerked his head upwards and spotted Tsuna in the air, hands in his pockets with Cloud flames bursting at his feet.
Hayato's cigarette dropped from his mouth.
"He can fly!?"
Tsuna merely smirked as Hito studied the brunet before flying up to meet him in the air.
The brunet studied how fast--yet slow--Hito flew at him.
'Hm...his pure flames are yet to be discovered.'
Tsuna blocked a kick to his head as he spun with the impact of the hit and lashed out with a back-handed blow to Hito's head.
Hito grunted as he blocked Tsuna's attack while retracting his leg.
The blonde broke away from Tsuna before positioning his hands into a unique, diamond shape; the orange flame on the teen's forehead flickered on and off.
Recognizing the stance, Tsuna smirked before letting his Cloud flames explode forth.
Hito absorbed the Cloud flames.
Hayato cheered Hito on while the others looked at the fight in wonder.
While absorbing the flames, Hito slowly noticed that the supply of the Cloud flames being produced didn't diminish at all; it worried him slightly.
"Sawada-Sensei! If this continues, all of your flames will be gone, and your life could be in critical danger!"
The brunet's eyes were shadowed by his bangs as the wind whipped around the two of them.
Slowly, a smirk appeared on Tsuna's face.
"Hito-kun...I have much more bigger flame reserves than anyone you've fought so far. Don't underestimate your opponents..."
Hito widened his eyes before immediately breaking out of his stance.
His energy was replenished, but Tsuna still stood strong, smirking as if he didn't even get drained of some of his Cloud flames.
"My turn."
Tsuna narrowed his purple eyes and dropped his smirk.
He placed one fist into his open hand as he stood sideways from Hito--much like a pitcher that was about to throw a baseball at the batter.
Tsuna suddenly vanished and appeared behind Hito; his body was upside down, but the brunet didn't seem to care.
'I don't have my headphones...maybe I'll ask Spanner-san--if he's nice--in the future...'
Soft, Cloud flames burst behind Tsuna as he held his other hand close to his face.
The light nearly became blinding as Tsuna slowly aimed his open hand at Hito, who was shocked beyond thought.
"I would get out of the way, Hito-kun."
While still upside down, Tsuna murmured his attack with his soft, Cloud flames to support him.
"X Burner: Air."
Hito gathered enough wits to quickly dart to the side--although he was grazed slightly by the attack.
When the purple flames died away, Tsuna was on the rocky ground again, hands in his pockets as he grinned brightly at the still-flying Hito, who had his jaw dropped at the powerful attack that was aimed at him.
Tsuna closed his eyes before opening them to reveal his usual sunset-orange eyes.
He smiled softly to Hito.
"Assessment complete."

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