Chapter 16: Invading

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"'ll be coming with us!?"
The said brunet spun around and made a peace sign, winking as he stuck his tongue out to the side.
Hito sweatdropped but chuckled at the childish action.
Tsuna hummed softly as he stuffed his hands into his pocket, brushing his fingers against his Vongola Version X ring.
'I wonder how they'll react in seeing it...'
Tsuna smirked briefly before looking afar; his eyes were distant.
'I died...protecting the Arcobaleno.  Does Byakuran know the truth about me, since he can see into parallel worlds?'
<<(Shoichi's Millefiore Base)>>
"It's so cramped in here!"
Hayato grumbled as he crawled through the vents.
Tsuna chuckled softly as he held a glow-stick between his teeth; he spoke around it.
"How much farther do we need to go, Lal?"
The said bluenette that was leading the group glanced at the device strapped to her arm; she huffed softly.
"Just a few more mete--"
Everyone widened their eyes in surprise--sans Tsuna, who had expected it--as the vent floor beneath them was suddenly destroyed; they fell to the floor below.
Tsuna, Lal, and future-Ryohei landed on their feet as Hito, Hayato, and Takeshi fell into a pile.
The brunet chuckled before helping the three up, ignoring the bulky man--Dendro Chilum--on the other side of the room.
"Hey!  Don't ignore Dendro-sama, you brats!"
After helping the teens to their feet, Tsuna craned his head slightly to pin the man with a cold stare.
The brunet's eyes were relaxed, but even the idiotic giant could tell the sharp hint of danger in the glowing irises; he stepped back slightly.
Dendro growled before lighting his ring to power the machine resting on his shoulders; he shot large beams of Lightning flames.
An explosion was heard and a cloud of smoke covered the Vongola group; Dendro laughed loudly.
"HAHAHAHA!  Dendro-sama has crushed the ordinary people invading the Millefiore!"
"Not quite."
Dendro stopped laughing and gaped when he spotted Tsuna, who was still standing.
The brunet had one hand in his pocket while his other hand was raised; he used his index finger to create a Lightning flame-barrier around the group.
Tsuna's eyes glowed a bright green as he smirked lazily.
Dendro growled and detached the machine on his shoulders and brought out his other box weapon.
"Don't get cocky!  You haven't seen Dendro-sama use even half of his strength!"
"Oh really?  Well I haven't even used more than 00.000000001% of my strength, Dendro-san."
Tsuna chuckled as Dendro's face purpled with rage.
The brunet smirked, dropping the barrier as he turned to look at the group; Lal shook her head with amusement.
"The same as always, Sawada."
"You're still EXTREME, Sawada-Sensei!"
Tsuna chuckled as he walked over to Hito and ruffled the blonde's hair.
"I'm sure you want to try out your new move." The brunet smiled encouragingly to the teen. "I'll catch you if your power goes out of control again."
Hito blushed at the memory before nodding, a determined glint entering his eyes as he took two HDWM pills.
He swallowed them, closing his eyes before reopening them; they were a glowing, sunset-orange.
Tsuna sighed as he tied an unconscious Dendro up, smiling brightly to a slightly panting Hito.
"Good job, Hito-kun."
"" The blonde smiled, straightening himself up. "But that X-Burner was nowhere near as powerful as your's."
Tsuna grinned as he walked over to the camera in the corner of the room, fiddling with the lens.
"Haha!  You flatter me too much, Hito-kun."

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