Chapter 47: Finishing

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Tsuna saw the sun slowly rising; he sensed the flames of their opponents nearby--they haven't moved yet.
The brunet quickly woke everyone up, shaking them gently.
They all got ready for battle and left, leaving Shoichi, Reborn, Yuni, Haru, Kyoko, Lal and Tsuna behind. Also Hito, who was on standby.
Reborn hopped onto Tsuna's head, magically pulling out a cup of espresso; the brunet huffed as the hitman smirked.
"I ain't giving you any."
"How rude. I've been giving you my special brew all this time."
Reborn merely shrugged as took a sip; a thought came to the hitman.
".....Were to defeat me in a fight, Dame-Tsuna?"
Tsuna blinked in surprise at the question before sighing.
"Not exactly...." The brunet grinned at the memory. "It was a bet. If I could knock your fedora off of your head, then I would get not training for three weeks." Tsuna chuckled softly. "Of didn't make it easy for me."
The brunet rubbed his back at the memory.
"You d*** spartan."
Reborn smirked.
"Glad I didn't make it easy for you..." The hitman smiled slightly. "...but I'm guessing that you still got my fedora, eh?"
Tsuna huffed and crossed his arms, but he smiled back.
"Ah. I got it." And then the brunet scowled. "And then you simply increased my paperwork as revenge."
Reborn couldn't quite hold back a laugh this time, shocking those that were present and nearby.
Tsuna smiled at the laugh--it was childish and a bit squeaky, but it warmed the brunet's heart to hear it.
"Serves you right, Dame-Tsuna."
One by one, Hito's group was able to defeat the Mare Guardians along with the Varia, who decided to lend a hand. Dino, Romario, Squalo, Takeshi and Kyoya also returned.
But then Ghost--a parallel version of Byakuran--appeared before everyone and started to absorb their flames.
Hito was then sent into the battle, and he was able to defeat the spirit-like man with his Zero-point Breakthrough: Custom version.
Byakuran appeared later on, putting an act on as he engaged Hito into battle--everything turned out as Tsuna's past.
But this time, the brunet himself was walking towards the scene of the final battle.
The Vongola ring in his pocket was warming up and the pacifier around his neck started to glow.
The familiar orange barrier appeared as Tsuna stepped closer to the two Sky wielders--Byakuran currently had Hito in a headlock.
The Mare ring-user 'snapped' Hito's neck and let the other fall to the ground limply.
Tsuna faked a glare at Byakuran, who smiled 'evilly' back.
"Well~Take-chan's out of the way! And I have the Sky Arcobaleno here--"
"I wouldn't count Hito-kun out of this yet, Byakuran-san."
Byakuran acted surprise and confused as he looked at Tsuna.
*Haha! Tsu-chan we're so good at acting!* "What do you mean, Tsu-chan?"
*Oh be quiet and focus.* "Hito-kun is stronger than you think."
There was a groan and the said blonde was waking up, right eye drooping slightly out of fatigue.
He spotted Tsuna and widened his eyes slightly in surprise.
Tsuna smiled calmly to the other.
"Yo. Come on, Hito-kun. Get up."
With the help of the brunet, the teen stood up on shaky feet.
Tsuna closed his eyes briefly.
'...Giotto-san. It's time.'
'Yes. I will release the true potential of the Vongola ring.'
When Tsuna opened his eyes, he smiled when he spotted Giotto in front of Hito; the other Primo Guardians were also being projected by the Decimo Guardians' rings.
Hito and his Guardians gaped as their rings transformed.
Tsuna smiled as he stepped back from the blonde teen.
"Good luck, Hito-kun."
The teen looked back at Tsuna before nodding, determination filling his eyes as he went back into HDW mode.
Byakuran smirked as he engaged Hito in the final battle--this time, the Mare ring-user didn't go all crazy with black rings sprouting from his back.
The white-haired man pretended to look like he was weakening in his fight with Hito.
The blonde finally engaged Byakuran in a final blow.
Tsuna held back tears when he saw Byakuran get incinerated; he clenched his hand into a fist when he heard the final words that the marshmallow-addict murmured.
"Looks like I lost..." The man looked briefly at Tsuna before he disappeared, smiling warmly. "See you later, Tsu-chan."
Byakuran was gone and the orange dome disappeared.
Tsuna caught the staggering blonde; Hito spoke up in a whisper.
"Is it...finally...over?"
Tsuna smiled.
"Ah. It's over. Good job, Hito-kun."
The teen smiled weakly, looking at the brunet with bright, blue eyes.
A light slowly started to surround them; Shoichi smiled sadly when he saw this.
"Looks like you guys are going back home for good now."
Hito blinked in surprise, frown forming on his face, but Shoichi laughed, waving his hand in the air.
"Don't worry, Takehito-san! This is the future after all!" The group from the past slowly started to disappear from the bottom up. "We'll meet again!"
Hito brightened up at the words, waving back weakly.
"Thank you so much, Shoichi-san, Spanner-san, Mina!"
Tsuna smiled; the others also waved back--although Kyoya was aloof as always, not even smiling the slightest.
They disappeared completely, and Tsuna found himself alone as he was being teleported back to the past.
The ex-Decimo sighed, touching the pacifier around his neck, smiling once more.
"Now it's time to get this thing off."

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