Chapter 3

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Jana POV

I pulled up to May weather Academy (made up) it was the best law school in New York. I'm glad I pick this one. Anyway I parked my car and went to my class.

"Jana why are you late?"My professor ask as everybody head turns toward me.

"Uh traffic."I say.

"Have a seat."He say as I go sit down.

"Ight guys you all have a pre-court scheduled this Friday I want you all to prepare for it its nothing real its not a real court case or anything but I want you to treat it like its real I will be giving you all the case file."He say as he starts passing out the case.

August POV

"Beybah I'm home."I say as I come in and hear her throwing up in the bathroom. I immediately ran there

"BEYBAH!"I yell as I pull her hair back my beybah never gets sick.

"August I'm fine."She say as she stands up and starts brushing her teeth.

"Mhm this has been happening for the past two months with you."I say as she sighs.

"I'm fine."She say.

"Uh have you talk to Nay?"I ask.

"No for what?"She scrunch up her face.

"Because that's your best friend she made a dumb decision but that's still your best friend."I say as she sighs.

"Can we just talk about something else?"She ask.

I was about to say something until I heard a beep sound. I look to my left and I ain't even know it was there it was a pregnancy test. Akala tried reaching for it but I grabbed it and since I'm taller than her short ass I held the test up and I read it slowly.

"AUGUST! GIVE IT BACK!"Akala yells as i start cheesing.

"Awwww my beybah having a beybah."I say as she starts blushing.

"Shut up."She say as she grabs the test and read it.

"I hope we have a girl so I can spoil her."I say to geeked I can't wait.

She sighs.

"What's wrong beybah?"I ask.

She tears up a little.

"Me and Jana when we were in high school we promised we was gone get pregnant around the same time."She say as she sheds a tear I wipe it with my thumb.

"Sh sh sh."I say as she completely break down in my chest.


"Shhh."I say as I rub her back.

"She's all in New York alone."She say.

"She's not alone."I say as she looks up and sniffs.

"What do you mean?"She ask.

"I sent Travis up there just to watch her. "I say.


"Sh beybah I made it clear for him to not do anything intimate just be her friend and watch her make sure she's safe and all that other shit."I say as she smiles.

"Awwww that's my Auggie Pooh."She say as she sit in my lap.

"How is she did she start school?"She ask playing with my beard.

"She started she doing ok besides the fact that she lost her family and stuff and I heard from Travis that she was actually deep in love with Chris."I say.

Akala sigh.

"Let's go get some sleep."She say as I pick her up.

"Yeah let daddy put it on you for the one time."She just laugh but she knew she gone be screaming.

Jana POV.

School was finally over Thank you Jesus. I just wanted to go home so I got in my car and started driving. I seen this hair salon I haven't gotten my hair done in a long time so why not.

"Hi welcome to Hair Beauty how may I help you?"She ask.

"Um I'm here to get my hair uh cut."I say.

"WHAT!?"She yells as she walks around the counter.

"I would kill for your hair."She compliments.

"Uh Thank you but I just want it to be like a Bob and that's about it."I say as she sighs and guides me to the chair.

"Are you sure about this?"She ask.

"Yes."I say as she begins to cut.

Later that day.(still jana POV).

I left the hair salon feeling like a women I felt a little different because I'm so used to my hair being every where.

"Oh my hello Ms.Dawson."Jack the door men say as he opens my car door

"Hello Jack you like?"I ask.

"Beautiful."He smiles.

"Thanks take care of him for me."I say referring to my car.

"Don't I always."I smile and head to my home.

I needed to study this case so that's what I did and before I knew it I was out like a light.

Jana in the picture.

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