Chapter 25

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Jana POV

Oh my god tomorrow is my graduation Akala and August are already on there way to the house. I'm really nervous about akala seeing me I'm sure she isn't going to miss my big ole belly.

"Baby just calm down ok she isn't going to get mad did you talk to your dad?"Chris ask as I was pasting around.

"Yeah he is going to be here tomorrow I still have to face him."I say as I sit down and put my head in my hands.

"Listen your going to be fine ok just calm down girl damn you making me nervous."Chris say as the doorbell goes off.

"Oh my god oh my god OH MY GOD."I say as I get nervous and start panicking.

"JANA BROWN calm yo ass down."He semi yells giving me his last name.

"Brown?"I ask.

He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Brown is a good last name for you."He say as he goes to answer the door.

I hear laughter and baby giggling as Akala and August walks in.

As soon as Kay seen me her mouth dropped. Aug was to busy playing with Amere.

"OH MY GOSH BEST FRANNNNNNN."She runs and gives me a hug.

I laugh and hug back.

"Oh my god your pregnant awwww chris is going to be a daddy."She say smiling as I look down.

"Uh about that."I say as August give Amere to Kay.

"It's Travis's ain't it?"He ask looking at me.

I nod as tears swell up.

"Sh sh sh sh."He give me a hug.

"I'm fine I'm fine."I say as I sniff.

"How many months are you?"Kay ask while playing with Amere.

"7."Chris say as he kisses my belly then my cheek.

"Chris lemme holla at you for a second."August say as he walks to the kitchen.

"Ok."Chris says as he kisses my forehead and follows.

Chris POV.

"Wassop?"I ask August as I follow behind him.

"I want to be closer to my brothers son or daughter."He say as I nod.

"I understand since Travis got life he won't be able to see her."I say.

"Her?"He ask.

"It's a girl."I say smiling he laughs.

"Man but ay I was thinking that me and Kay move up here but u haven't talked to her yet."He say as I nod.

"Yeah her and Nay can't stay away from each other for another year."I say.

"For real."He say as I laugh.

Jana POV.

"Oh my god why didn't you tell me?"Akala ask as I pick up Amere from her arms and smile.

"I wanted to wait till graduation."I say as Amere put her little fingers on my lips. I laugh and tickle her I can't wait till my baby get here.

"Oh but how are you going to tell pops?"She ask.

I sigh.

"I will don't worry."I say.

"When tomorrow?"She ask.

"Yeah he's going to see this big ole pop belly anyway."I say as she laughs.

"Yeah you right."She say.

"So how's being a mom is?"I ask.

"Amazing Lil Amere here is growing her two front teeth."She say as she pinches Amere cheeks causing her to giggle.

"Aww I can't wait."I say as I rub my belly.

"When you have yo baby Her and Amere are going to be best friend like us."She say.

I smile.

"I know right."I say.

"I was thinking me and August should move up here."She say.

"I hope so."I say as I play with Amere.

"I just have to talk to Auggie."She say as I laugh.

"You still call him that?"I ask.

"Hell yeah."She say I laugh I love they relationship.

"What you want to do?"She ask.

"Let's go see what they doing in the kitchen."I say.

"Ight lay Amere down she knocked out."She say as I lay Amere down and get up.

"You had your mood swings yet?"She ask as I wobble to the kitchen.

"Girl yes and cravings."I say.

"Hey baby."Chris say as he pecks my lips.

"Hey."I say as I lay my head on his shoulder and rub my eyes.

"You sleepy?"He ask.

I nod.

"Ight y'all imma see y'all in the morning make your self's at home"Chris say as we head upstairs.

I updated a couple more chapter you guys. Anyway August and Akala in the M/M

I had finals today.

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