Chapter 19

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Jana POV.

"Hey babe?"I call out to Chris as I was looking in the mirror.

"Yeah."He comes in.

"Do it look like I'm getting fat?"He scrunch his face up.

"No now go get dressed so I can take you out we been in the house all day."He leaves out.

"We been in the house all day."I mock him.

"I heard that."He yells from the bedroom as I laugh.

Akala POV.

Being a mother is the most amazing thing that has happen in my life. I'm so grateful that this happen. I'm just a little sad that Jana has not been up here once to see her goddaughter since she was born.

"Hush little baby don't you cry mama gonna sing you a lullaby."I sing as I rock Amere to sleep. When I heard her light snores I sat her in her crib and kissed her cheek. I turned around and damned near slapped August for just standing there he scared me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."He say.

"It's ok."I say.

"Come on I ran us a bath."He grabs my hand and close Amere door.

"Good because I need some relaxation."I smile.

"And I know just the thing."He rubs up against me, I can feel his dick imprint.

"See you gone have me having another baby messing with you."I laugh as we make it to the bathroom.

"I love you."He stares at me.

"I love you more."I peck his lips.

"Na getcho fine ass in the tub with daddy."I laugh and begin taking my clothes off.

Chris POV.

I was already dressed and I was now waiting on Jana like damn what you putting on the whole closet.

"Baeeee hurry up damn."I say.

"I'm coming I'm coming."She walks downstairs fixing her earring.

"You look beautiful."I adore her outfit. She had on these sexy ass red heels with a black dress that hugged all her little curves oh my god.

"Only for you."She smiles.

"Let's go."I hold my hand out.

"Where are we going anyway?"She ask as she grabs my hand.

"It's a surprise."We head to the car.

I help Jana get in then I go to the drivers side and head toward the place. I know she's been stressing lately about how she's going to tell her dad about the pregnancy so I thought this would be nice.

When we arrived Jana was knocked out.

"Babe babe wake up we here."I shake her as her eyes flitter open.

She looks out the window and gasp.

"CHRIS!"I smile and help her out the car.

"Since you been stressing with the baby and school and other stuff I decided to do something special for you."I say as she hugs me.

"Awww and you say you don't do romantic."She pecks my lips.

"You changed me baby."I say.

"Well why are we just standing here? let's go."She pulls me to the yacht, I laugh.

I help her onto the yacht and I start it up.

"You can fly a helicopter and a boat what else can you do?"Jana ask as she sits down.

"Eat pussy."I smirk while looking at her, she blushes.

"You sure can."She mumbles I chuckle and begin to steer the boat. I seen a flash and a camera sound. I look at Jana and seen she had my camera.

"Uh uh Jana delete that."I demand as I pull the boat to its spot.

"No it's-"She stops and looks outside.

"It's beautiful ain't it?"I ask.

"Yes."She run outside.

I chuckle and follow.

"Take a picture with me."She sits on the edge off the boat, I shake my head.

"Nope I don't like pictures."I shake my head.

Jana POV.

I like taking pictures so Chris know I'm hard headed. So I start taking a lot of off guard pictures of him.

"No Jana delete them."He say as he starts coming towards me, I still continue taking pictures.

"No I love you."I smile.

"I love you more."He smile and gives me a kiss, I take another picture of us.

He groans.

"You lucky I love you."He smiles and lays his head in my lap.

"Its so peaceful out here."I rub his head.

"I know."He lifts up.

"What?"I ask as he stare at me.

"Can I tell you something?"He ask.

"Anything."I say.

"Why did you come back after the pain I caused?"He ask.

"Because I love you and I can't see myself loving or riding for any other man I feel so deep in love with you Chris."I say he tears up a little.

"I fucking love you."He smiles and pecks my lips.

"If its a girl I wanna name her Christina and if its a boy of course cj."He say.

I laugh.

"I like that."I smile and he smiles.

We sat the rest of the night talking and taking pictures.

Finally updated It took me some hours writing I kept getting off track but here ya go guys.

Jana's outfit in the pic.

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