Chapter 23

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Chris POV.

I'm so nervous about this appointment because we are going to find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I want a girl Jana wants a boy we aren't going to move until next week so when we come back from our appointment were going to pack.

"Baby come on come on."I say shaking Jana.

"Ok ok Christopher I'm up I'm up."She say yawning.

"Hurry up I'm going to go cook breakfast."I go to the kitchen while she go shower. I just make a bowl of cereal I ain't feel like cooking.

"Babe I'm ready- where's the food?"Jana ask.

"Uh cabinet."I laugh she rolls her eyes.

"Come on let's go."She pulls me to the car.

We get inside the car we stop by McDonald's got her food and we were on our way.

"Ooo babe let me get some of ya hash brown."I reach my hand in her bag.

She pop my hand.

"Nigga you ain't getting none of my mothafuckin hash brown you know what the fuck you wanted should've ordered it....nope fuck that."My mouth drop as I stare at her in shock

"Well damn."I pull up to the hospital.

~They go in the hospital~

"Hi we made an appointment under brown for Jana Dawson."I say as me and Jana walk to the counter.

"Yes sir you guys are 5 minutes late you will have to reschedule."The lady at the counter say as she starts popping her gum.

"Can you please let us slide."I say.

"Sorry sir no can do."She say biting her lip.

"Uh Bitch you better wipe that look of ya face before I do it for you."Jana say.

"Excuse me?"She ask looking at Jana in shock just like me. With Nay being pregnant she gone be moody.

"You heard me you looking at him all seductively and shit like I won't hop over this counter and slap yo ass four different colors.....Try me."Jana say. I was there with my mouth open shocked as hell.

"Girl nobody want yo nigga."She say. All I know is Jana had ole girl by her pony tail about to pull her out the chair.

"Oh shit damn Nay calm down."I pull Jana back.

"HOW DARE YOU PULL MY HAIR SER-"The girl say but got interrupted when Jana threw her bracelet at her mouth.

Ole girl mouth was bleeding na these ain't just no ordinary bracelets. I bought them for her from the gun store you can get them designed anyway and I got Nay's hard metal for protection.

Everyone was now starring.

"What is going on here?"A doctor come out. Everybody was quiet Jana got out my grip and grab her bracelet off the floor.

"I'm here for my doctors appointment."She say like nothing happen.

"Name?"The doctor ask.

"Jana Dawson."She say.

"Oh Ms.Dawson I was expecting you right this way."He walks away. Ole girl glares at Jana and Jana sticks her tongue out and follow the doctor. I shake my head and follow

"Ok Ms.Dawson just relax while I put the jelly on your stomach."The doctor say as he lifts Her shirt up and rubs the jelly on her stomach a black and white picture shows up.

"Look at our baby."Jana Smiles.

"Ok this is the head and that is a female part looks like your having a girl."He say as he wipes the jelly off Jana stomach.

"Yes."I say.

"You all can go now."He say as he leaves the room.

"Man I wanted a boy."She groans.

"Well we can try next time."She smile and peck my lips.

"Come on you got one week to pack."I help her up and we walk to the car.

Finally updated there will be a third book I got y'all. Follow me on Instagram @obey.nay I'm thinking about writing a story called my best friend but I don't know yet.

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