Chapter 29

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8 months later.

Jana POV

Oh my god let me catch y'all up so my family and friends moved down here. Journey is now 8 months and she is getting so big. Anyway today is my day I'm getting married I'm so nervous.

"Jana stop sweating your gonna mess up your hair and make up."Akala say.

"I'm sorry I'm just very very nervous."I pick up journey.

"I was the same remember but look at me now happy."Akala say.

"Right."Chris mom says.

I laugh.

"Yeah I guess."I do journey hair. For her to be 8 months she got some hair I put it in two pony tails with two bows.

"Here let me help you with the dress."Akala grabs journey little dress and help me put it on.

"Thanks."I sit journey on the couch and give her a toy.

"Ok now let me help you with your dress."Akala say.

"Ok I can do this."I say.

"Girl calm yo nerves."Akala grabs the dress.

"Its so beautiful."I smile.

"I know right I got taste."Akala say as I step into the dress.

"Zip it up."I say.

She zips it up.

I tear up.

"Awwwwww don't cry Nay."Akala pats my back.

"Im sorry its just that I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with this man."I fan my eyes so I won't mess up my make up.

"Isn't that what you want?"Akala ask.

"Yes these are tears of joy girl."I laugh.

"Shut up and come on help me with my hair."She say as she sits in front of the mirror.

I laugh.

"Ok."I help her with her hair.

Chris POV.

Today is the day I can officially make Jana Mrs.Brown I never would've seem myself getting married to anyone.

"So Chris you ready to marry Nay?"August Ask as he puts Amere dress on she is almost one so she's walking now.

"Yeah a little nervous but I know its normal."I fix my tie.

"Yeah I remember when I married Kay man she was so beautiful I knew I was going to spend the rest of my life with her."He smiles.

"Get out yo feelings nigga."I laugh.

"What Eva you gone soon be in yo feelings when you have to say yo vows."He say.

"Yeah you right you right."I put my jacket on. I had on an all white suit all white everything.

"I'm always right."He say as he put on his Jacket.

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