Chapter 31

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Chris POV.

After the wedding was over me and Jana changed our clothes and was prepared to go to our honey moon.

"Ok girl have a safe flight."Akala say while holding Journey.

"Ok take care of my baby Akala."Jana say as she kisses journey chunky cheeks, journey erupts with laughter.

I smile.

"Yeah yeah."She say as she goes in the house.

"You ready baby?"I ask.

"Yes."She smiles and walks to the car.

"Ahhh if it isn't Mr and Mrs.Brown."Taylor smiles.

"Hello Taylor how's the wife?"I ask as he puts our bags in the car.

"Fine."He shuts the trunk.

"That's good."I open the door for Jana as she gets in.

The drive to the airport wasn't long. we got there and was immediately escorted to our private jet.

"Babe are you going to tell me where we are going?"Jana pouts as I sit down.

"Ok ok."I say as she sit in my lap.

I pull her closer.

"We are going to Jamaica."I say as her eyes light up.

"OH MY GOD!"She pecks my lips multiple times.

"I love you Mrs.Brown."I smile.

"I love you more."She kisses me.

I pull her closer and deepen the kiss. I bite her lip and squeeze hips.

"Mmmm."She moans.

I suck her neck leaving a hickey.

"Nahhhhh we gone finished this when we reach Jamaica."I smile ad she groans.

"Ughhh."She lays her head on my lap, I play with her curls.

"I'm glad we are finally married."She smiles.

"Me to I love you girl."I say.

"I love you to."She smiles.

"Get some sleep."I kissed her forehead and went to the bathroom.

I was looking through my luggaged.

"Ahh I found em."I pick up the condoms and threw them away. Me and Jana are going to most likely have lots of sex and she's going to get pregnant anyway so what the hell. I went back to lay with her and soon fall asleep.

The next day.

"Baby bay wake up."I shake Nay.

"Whyyyyy?"She turns.

"Because we are about to land."I pick her up.

She lays on my shoulder.

"Ok ok."She gets down and goes get dressed.

After we got dressed the jet landed we were headed to the hotel.

"Its beautiful out here more then I thought."She smiles.

"I know."I get out as the car stop I help nay out.

"Come on let's go to our room."She jumps on my back.

"Ok ok gimme a kiss."I demand as she pecks my lips.

Someone clears there throat. Me and Jana look up as the check lady stares us down.

"What can I do for you to?"She ask looking at me biting her lip.

50 Shades Of Mr.Brown (Sequel) (2016)Where stories live. Discover now