Chapter 26

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Jana POV.

Today is my graduation my dad should be at the door any minute everyone is sleep I'm the only one up. I couldn't sleep so I went to the kitchen to get some snacks.

Knock knock.

I sigh as I answer the door.

"Woahhh."My dad say as he stares at my stomach.

I just look down as he comes in and closes the door.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."I say looking down.

"We tell each other everything sweetie don't ever keep anything like  this from me you understand?"He ask.

"Ok So your not mad at me?"I ask.

"I was upset but I know you were probably just scared."He say as I nod.

"Come here baby I missed you."He hugs me.

"I missed you more daddy."I say.

"I'm just afraid of my little girl growing up so fast."He say.

"It's gone be ok daddy now get some sleep I know you are tired the guest room is upstairs down the hall to the left."I say as he stretches and kiss my forehead.

"See you in the morning."He say as he goes up stairs.

I smile to myself, Everything is falling back into place.

"Babe?"Chris wraps his arms around me.

"What are you doing up?"I ask as I face him.

"I didn't feel you by me so I thought something was wrong until I seen your dad....did you tell him?"He ask.

"Yes."I say as I smile.

"Good."He pecks my lips.

"Lets get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow."He say as I nod.

"Yeah you right."I smile as we head to our room.

Next day.

"Babe babe get up."Chris shakes me.

"I'm up I'm up."I yawn.

"Better be."Chris say as he smacks my ass.

"Whatever."I get up and yawn.

"I love you."I say.

"I love you more."He pecks my lips.

We go take our shower and get dressed I put on some white slacks, with a white blouse and some cheetah print high heel thigh boots just because I'm pregnant don't mean I can't dress.

"Baby you ready we gonna be late."Chris say as I finish my makeup.

"Yes yes I'm ready."I stand up.

"Come on an give daddy a little spin."He bite his lip.

I laugh and do a 360 spin.

"Ooo that ass that ass."He pulls me close to him and pecks my lips.

I laugh.

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