Chapter 14

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Jana POV

I'm not all that happy about me being pregnant at all. I don't want to have Travis baby even though my son or daughter would never know of there father. I still don't want anything that's soon to be mine to be apart of Travis. I mean I am sort of excited about being pregnant for the first time but not by Travis.

"Hey you ok?"Chris ask.

"Uh yeah I'm fine."I go to the kitchen.

"You sure?"I nod.

"I'm fine just hungry."I open the refrigerator.

"Me to."He opens the cabinets. I smile I love this man with all my heart I swear I do.

"What you smiling for?"He pulls out some chocolate chips from the cabinet.

"Because I love you."I dig my hand in the bag and eat some chocolate chips.

"I know."I smile and pecks his lips.

"How do you feel about being pregnant?"He ask.

"I don't want Travis baby but I'm ok."I smile.

"I don't want you to have Travis baby either but I love you and I will love the baby unconditionally."He pecks my lips.

I smile.

"Did you talk to Kay?"He ask.

"Yeah she had a baby girl she named her Amere."I smile.

"Awwww when do you want to see them?"He ask.

"Uh actually they are coming down her for my graduation remember school."I fold my arms.

"Oh yeahhhh."He smiles.

"What you want for graduation?"He ask.

"Uh nothing really."I say.

"Oooooo I got the perfect thing."He cheese.

"Boy gone."I sit down.

He chuckle.

August POV.

"She looks just like you."Akala say as I pick Amere up from her arms. Amere Tameka Alsina she look just like me I smile and start singing a little lullaby.

She falls asleep smiling I sit her in the little nurse crib. Akala have to stay in the hospital for three days.

"Scoot over."She scoots over and I lay next to her.

"I love you girl."I say.

"I love you more."She pecks my lips.

"Ewww ya breath smell like booty."She slaps me.

I laugh.

"You look like Noah when you had that ugly ass robe on."I stale face her. She starts laughing more.

"Awwww don't be mad I still love you."She smiles I shake my head and lay in her lap.

Amere in the M/M

Sorry I haven't been updating I got my nails done and I been typing slow because of it sorry.

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