Chapter 21

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Chris POV.

I am a little nervous about going to see my mother. I don't want her to feel any different towards me.

"You ready baby?" Jana ask as I pull the car into my mom's drive way.

I sigh.

"No."I say as I get out and go to her side and help her out.

"Thank you."She wobbles to the door.

"Uh oh you starting to walk pregnant."I start smiling.

She laughs. No matter if I'm sad or down I always make sure she has a smile on her face because when she's happy I'm happy.

"Come on."She holds her hand out as I grab it.

I knocked on the door, Jim answers.

"Hello Chris hello Jana it's good to see you."He gives me a manly hug and kisses Jana cheek.

"Hey Jim I'm sure you heard."I sigh.

"Yeah she's taking it pretty rough."He say as I sigh.

"Um I'm going to go talk to her."I say.

"Yeah she's in her room."He say.

"Ok."I stand up and kiss Jana forehead. I head upstairs.

Jana POV

"Do you love Chris?"Jim ask.

"With all my heart I would do anything for him."I say.

"Good because believe it or not he has been acting different not a bad way but a good way."He say.

I smile.

"And your all pregnant he has a weakness for kids."He say.

I smile.

"I didn't know that."I say.

"Look let me show you his photo album with all his baby pictures."He gets up.

I laugh and follow.

Chris POV.

I open my mother's bedroom door to see her watching TV.

"Hey ma."I close the door.

"What are you doing here?"She ask not even looking at me, that crushed my little heart.

I gulp.

"I'm sorry."I say.

"Why didn't you tell me I feel like it's my fault because I wasn't in your life as much when I was supposed to."She cries, I give her a hug.

"I'm sorry ma please stop crying I hate to see you cry."I use my thumb to wipe her tears.

"I just need some time Chris."She says.

"I understand."I stand up.

"Is Jana here with you?"She ask.

"Yeah she's downstairs with Jim."I say as she heads downstairs. I follow and I hear Jana laughing while holding our family photo book.

"Oh my god he had peed in the kitty pool."She laughs I chuckle.

"It was so funny."Jim say.

I clear my throat.

"Oh hey babe."Jana says.

"Hey."I walk towards her.

"Hey Mrs.Brown."Jana waves at my mother.

"You can call me Mom sweetie."My mother smiles and gives Jana a hug.

Jana smiles.

"So how far along are you?"She ask.

"3 months."Jana rubs her stomach and smile.

"That's good."She smiles.

"Yeah."Jana say.

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner?"She ask.

"Yeah I'm starved."Jana smiles.

"Come help me start it off."She walks to the kitchen with a wobbling Jana following.

I chuckle and sit down.

"So how do you feel about Jana having someone else's baby?"Jim ask.

"I was hurt at first because I wanted her to have her first baby by me but then I realized that stuff happens for a reason."I smile.

"That's good."He say.

"Yeah I love her I messed around d and fell in love with her ass."I smile as I look at her, she wasn't paying attention.

"I told you."Jim say patting my back I chuckle.

"Yeah you did."I laugh.

After talking and watching TV dinner was ready we all sat at the table and said grace then we started eating.

"So mom I'm graduating in 3 weeks and I want you and Jim to join my dad and friends are going to be there and after I'm having a little get together at home I would appreciate if you guys came."Jana say as she eats her steak.

"Yeah we would love to come and support our soon to be daughter in law."My mother say as I chuckle a little.

"Yeah but I haven't told my dad about my pregnancy yet I plan on telling him at the gathering."Jana say.

"Ok my lips are sealed."Jim say as my mother nod.

"Yeah but mom this steak is amazing."I continue eating.

"Yeah I know I put my foot in it."She say as we all laugh.

Updated this story has a few more chapters and then this book will be done.

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