Chapter 4

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Chris POV.

I couldn't sleep at all tonight I couldn't stop thinking about Jana. So I logged in my Instagram and being the nosey person I am I went lurking on Jana page and I seen a picture of her caption as "who else can't sleep" no make up on just her in her bed looking beautiful as always. So since we both can't sleep I'm going to pop up.

POV over

Jana POV

I can't sleep at all for some reason I just keep thinking of Chris. How he touched me made me feel beautiful. I miss him and I miss my friends. I remember when Akala and august Came over my house when I was like 15.

Flash back.

"Bruh can y'all stop damn."I say as Akala and august stop kissing for the 15th time.

"Shut up hater."August said sticking his tongue out.

I roll my eyes.

"Shut yo four eyed ass up."I said referring to his glasses.

"Shut up my baby look like a cute nerd."Akala say.

"If you say so."I say as we continue to play basketball.

Flash back over.

My thoughts where interrupted when there was a knock on the door.

"Just a sec."I say as I grab my robe and go to the door and look through the peep hole it was Chris. I sighed and opened the door he had on some sweat pants with a sweat jacket but no shirt. He had his sweats hanging to wear you could see his V line I started to melt.

"Can I come in?"He ask interrupting me from my thoughts.

"Uh no I have to finish studying for a case."I lie.

He pushed past me and came in.

"You look like you haven't slept in months."He say.

I sigh.

"Chris what do you want?"I ask.

"I just wanted to see you damn."He say as he sits down.

"Well its called Instagram its a lot of pictures of me."I say

"Well I wanted to see you in person ok so come on let's sit down and watch titanic."He say as he smiles I couldn't help but smile back and sit down.

He put in titanic and layed under me I layed on his chest.

"I'm sorry I left."He say as he kisses my forehead.

"Its not ok but I wanna take things slow."I say.

He sigh.

"Ok."He say.

"Ok."I say

I was so tired I feel asleep on his chest well I was half asleep only to hear him say.

"I love you Jana with all my heart."He say then soon I heard snores.

I smiled and went to sleep.

Just a little updated fmoi @obey.nay

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